Last Friday I went for a shoot with a couple mates of mine up the Wairau Valley. Arrived at Bottom Gordons at 1730h and had about 15mins to do a 3hr hike up to Top Gordons hut in which we smashed out in 2hr. But on the way there, my mate (who had hunted this block plenty times) couldnt understand why there was no animals in the spots he knew theyd be or even fresh sign to be seen. Anyways arrived at the hut gor the fire cranking as it was -2C and opened the visitors book where a previous hunter had written down something about Helihunters.
Next morning we continued up the valley till we hit the saddle and being a city slicker most my life witnessed the trippiest sunrise as it light up the snowpeaks. whole trip saw no animals which was a pain in the ass but it was still an awesome trip being able to do my first alpine hunt and ofcourse to get out of the big smoke.
But on our way back we heard an buzzing that got louder and louder till it turned into a roar as a Hughes 500 D came screaming up the valley hugging the side of the mountains in obvious search for deer which pissed us off immensly. The chopper continued towards us and then must have seen us giving him the one finger salute because he then veered off up and over the range. We carried on walking back to the car realising that this is why everyone hates heli hunting when 10mins later the same helicopter flew past us at half the speed he was doing earlier blatantly showing off the animal he had chained up underneath!
All in all it was still an awesome hunt but now I have a new found hate for Heli-hunting. I mean its not really hunting its cheap, lazy and a pathetic way to harvest animals.
So yeah just wanted to share my experience with Heli-hunters haha they can got get f*cked.
'scuse my french.