Where on/in its body did you shoot your last deer/pig/goat
Where on/in its body did you shoot your last deer/pig/goat
75/15/10 black powder matters
why ? if this is another pole pushing your agenda and displeasure about how some of us choose to buy and sell rifles and use components it'll get binned just like the other thread.....go take your rifle for a walk mate an come back with a story that adds value to this site instead of flogging a dead horse![]()
well if thats YOUR attitude..go right ahead and I shall refrain from posting full stop this right here is by far the most arrogant post Ive ever seen you post
young BradS DID INDEED SEE why they were created but up to you..Im completely over it if this is the forums managements attitude.
75/15/10 black powder matters
FFS get over yourself, if you want to post passive aggressive stuff about how other members (myslef included) see fit to use "their" components then you can expect to be called on it.
Your other poll was fine until you started doing that, I don't know what other kind of reaction you were expecting....clearly you can give but cannot take.
Last edited by dannyb; 19-12-2023 at 09:59 AM. Reason: grammer
so what happened to "play the ball not the man"
YOU AS A MODERATOR had a choice to remove offensive individual POSTS give warning to keep it civil and LEAVE the useful there...if it wasnt useful why did you add your last shot plus details???
Gimp....yip indeed forum management doesnt show bias..... but apparently a NON PERSON specific comment triggered someone who is moderator.... if thats passive agressive..I guess I shall have to apply a better filter in future and hope the person offended can seek councilling if is so easily triggered.
funny how same person directing comment DIRECTLY at me in 270wsm thread is ok....... I had no problem with that,fair play and a bit of banter....
75/15/10 black powder matters
I have nothing of value to add.....call it what you want I really don't care, If I made comments referring to a "milk tanker driving, part time deer and wallaby scarer" it wouldn't take too long for people to figure out who I was targeting (disclaimer I am not taking slight at your deer or wallaby scaring prowess, just using an example of non person specific reference).
sweet you want your poll back, I'll reinstate it minus your slight.
and why..is in the title..Gibo asked why I have issue with accurate rifles...I DONT but started this poll along with the other showing the MAJORITY of deer are shot under 300yards/meters so a person can JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES based on answers provided as to what is normal...agree with Tahrs comment we all should endevour to have rifle correctly sighted in .
if sighting in/grouping, is as good as we can get it and still only 2 or indeed 6" 150mm shotgun like pattern..well we need to adjust the other factors to ensure a clean kill..get closer untill that 150mm pattern will still put projectile in place to ensure a clean kill...if we cant do this....most muzzle loaders are out.,most shotguns are out,most SMLEs and lever action 30/30s with open sights are out too..the fellas using stick n string best take up tiddly winks too....after all a miss is a shot that didnt connect inside that desired group area.
Im not pushing an adjenda or taking pot shots at how other people do things...its your $$$$$ if you wish to use it in whatever manner ,up to you...when you turn around and piss n moan about cost of living hurting etc etc..maybe you can expect to be called out????
I simply dont care....your big enough n ugly enough to make up your own mind..... putting up a poll was to HELP folks decide whats relevant/needed.
75/15/10 black powder matters
You forgot the gut shot
I recently took a poll and found out 100% of campers were angry when their tent collapsed
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Poor Mr duck seems to have touched a nerve here, the distance thing is perfectly valid question and the answer will probably end up same as the NZDA survey.
Most hunters aren't quite as passionate about gaining experience, up skilling, pushing the boundaries, etc as people here are.
If you end up shooting something in a place you didn't expect eg the arse when you aimed at the neck, it's not the "accuracy" of the equipment that's the issue it's the operator.
Courses like the hunts, and the American Appleseed academy (which goes even further back insisting on proficiency with irons before optics) teach basics like the oft quoted rule of 3, and knowing your limits it's up to the individual to decide what they do next.
Many hunts terminate when a target of opportunity appears which probably accounts for so many close range kills.
I have some reasonably modern stuff and optics and predominantly use that, but going out and shooting something with one of my antique single shots with open sights seems to be much more satisfying. I haven't done that in too long now that I think about it so I must put that right soon.
Apart from offending a moderator, for what reason was that thread binned? Seems a bit on the nose considering there was none of the usual banned topics being discussed.
Genuine question
It's interesting where this is heading because so far 80% are aiming for the lungs/shoulder. I cant find the range poll (?) but I recall the majority were under 300 yards. So a basic accuracy of 1.5 Moa will do the job 80% of the time. The other 20% are going to need something better - like under 1 Moa. I guess the problem arises when the 80%ers want to do what the 20%ers do. Unfortunately it becomes the animals problem and no one wants that.
We should be all diligent about sighting our rifles in properly and accurately. We should take careful stock of our ability and experience and adjust what we shoot, at what ranges and where we aim accordingly. Yeah?
@gimp. There was this rocking horse. Its father was a Pole and its mother was a hard case.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
yes I remember watching a hunting program years ago with a bloke called Jeff something and he was sighting in a 25-06 Remington- fired one shot and it was about 2 inches high and an inch to the left at what looked to be about 100 yards - good enough he says - and I just cringed