Poor Mr duck seems to have touched a nerve here, the distance thing is perfectly valid question and the answer will probably end up same as the NZDA survey.
Most hunters aren't quite as passionate about gaining experience, up skilling, pushing the boundaries, etc as people here are.
If you end up shooting something in a place you didn't expect eg the arse when you aimed at the neck, it's not the "accuracy" of the equipment that's the issue it's the operator.
Courses like the hunts, and the American Appleseed academy (which goes even further back insisting on proficiency with irons before optics) teach basics like the oft quoted rule of 3, and knowing your limits it's up to the individual to decide what they do next.
Many hunts terminate when a target of opportunity appears which probably accounts for so many close range kills.
I have some reasonably modern stuff and optics and predominantly use that, but going out and shooting something with one of my antique single shots with open sights seems to be much more satisfying. I haven't done that in too long now that I think about it so I must put that right soon.