and in the title..Gibo asked why I have issue with accurate rifles...I DONT but started this poll along with the other showing the MAJORITY of deer are shot under 300yards/meters so a person can JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES based on answers provided as to what is normal...agree with Tahrs comment we all should endevour to have rifle correctly sighted in .
if sighting in/grouping, is as good as we can get it and still only 2 or indeed 6" 150mm shotgun like pattern..well we need to adjust the other factors to ensure a clean kill..get closer untill that 150mm pattern will still put projectile in place to ensure a clean kill...if we cant do this....most muzzle loaders are out.,most shotguns are out,most SMLEs and lever action 30/30s with open sights are out too..the fellas using stick n string best take up tiddly winks too....after all a miss is a shot that didnt connect inside that desired group area.
Im not pushing an adjenda or taking pot shots at how other people do things...its your $$$$$ if you wish to use it in whatever manner ,up to you...when you turn around and piss n moan about cost of living hurting etc etc..maybe you can expect to be called out????
I simply dont care....your big enough n ugly enough to make up your own mind..... putting up a poll was to HELP folks decide whats relevant/needed.