I was going to get big-foot to take him to Bastard Hill and get him to carry a pack. sorry big-foot
I was going to get big-foot to take him to Bastard Hill and get him to carry a pack. sorry big-foot
"ars longa, vita brevis"
Joined in july ,
31 posts to date,
obviously a lot to say.
Posted today at 5.50 pm done and dusted by 9.45 pm. Short attention span or past bed time. they grow out of the temper tantrums.
Wow this was interesting...its started off OK and went down hill quickly. Just going to read through some of the other posts now...
All the guy asked was where he could get his first deer.
There's no reason to get nasty & personal.If you guys can't be civil just don't give him the info & leave it @ that.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
@big_foot might even shoot the deer butcher it and carry it out toi think bastard hill would be a good place for this chap he would be to fucked to abuse anyone let alone shoot a deer