Sweet as. The pdf maps from doc are shit, but their gis stuff is pretty sharp. you can add layers such as topo50 or aerial photographs, doc land, open hunting etc... really good stuff.
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Sweet as. The pdf maps from doc are shit, but their gis stuff is pretty sharp. you can add layers such as topo50 or aerial photographs, doc land, open hunting etc... really good stuff.
Went hunting up state highway one, I mean Thompson's track on Sunday. Figured my day was over when I had 3 shots ring out above me and then 6 or so blast down below me around 10am, but continued up a good looking spur to about 500m altitude, looked out over the fresh skid area and across to the 100 acre. Found a fresh scrape, nothing too dramatic but a good size clod and a tree that had had a good rubbing.
Tried a few roars but nothing to come of it. Figure with how warm it was, the chainsaws going off, motorbikes and stuck trucks down in the hole that the stags don't bother roaring not to mention the barrage of lead that had been put up that morning probably made them pretty cagey.
But an awesome day all the same, still pretty warm too, sweaty sweaty walk.