I put that map up earlier this week, and it shows the road as not being part of the block.
I've asked the Maori Land Court for clarification.
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I put that map up earlier this week, and it shows the road as not being part of the block.
I've asked the Maori Land Court for clarification.
I'm inclined to agree.
And on the advocacy front, I kinda suspect it would be useful to collaborate with other representative groups, like FMC , maybe? If nothing else, that may help assuage the general low regard the authorities et al appear to have for hunters, and their passtimes?
Waipakihi Road is owned by the Crown full stop. Any closure needs to be approved by the Crown agency, which in this case to be confirmed but should be LINZ. When Shane Jones was travelling around with his PGF roadshow many applications were approved without due diligence. The minister of LINZ is Damien OConnor so send questions to him asking if his department have approved the establishing of a gate to stop public access along Crown owned land.
Go here https://www.taupodc.govt.nz/ Click maps/mapi/scroll down/go to mapi/scroll and adjust for area/zoom in.I used junction of SH1 and Rangipo Intake Rd. Left click on road for info then click arrow and three lots of info show up,click on info.
Down in the central south island when we had access issues denied, reduced through tenure reviews on farms/Stations sold to overseas interests or we were locked out by new owners we lobbied/wrote submissions to Central Govt and formed a South Island Access Committee with NZDA as main stakeholders. When labour got into Govt 5 years ago they stopped further tenure reviews and made LINZ take into account future access guaratees which was great but a bit late for many properties that closed access to the public land out the back. FMC stepped up too over these issues - worked together with NZDA. In the meantime we have gained access to some public land that was difficult prior.
Get together - provide maps of the issue, accumulate your email replies from local DOC amd provide photo's of the road/gates being built. Then forward to your local NZDA branch in Taupo which may end up dealing directly with the Iwi land owners? I remain surprised Taupo branch haven't jumped on the bandwagon since this thread started? Problem is that many users of the Waipakihi Rd access and other access rds likely not in the NZDA? But want action. Its a numbers game - the bigger the group/NZDA etc the more resources you have to fight back. Work together on these matters.
I personally would have thought this gate issue would have leaked out a while back to give stakeholders a chance to formulate a reply?
DOC have a huge estate to look after with little funding change over the years - they are near the bottom of Govt portfolios as they don't make much money for Govt. Bet if Cam Speedy was the big boss for the area, we would have heard about this road change way back? Just an opinion mine you.
I have just sent a message to a local lady who is/was the president of FMC earlier this afternoon to raise her awareness of this access restriction.
Haven't had a reply yet but hopefully she reads it.
FMC have been notified.
Fair enough - all we want is guaranteed access along the road to the park boundary which due to the distance to the park more feesible by vehicle than walking from SH1. I used Cam as an example for exactly that - hunting access - game management, Iwi maintain their business side for operational interest but by default potentially get exclusive hunting access which may end up being an extension of the mountain biking? Time will tell i guess.
I expect that in the eyes of the public, and commercial operators, mountain bikers and walking access for hunters with firearms will be incompatible. Damn shame but probably a game stopper. Hope not.
If it's good enough for pushbikes then it's good enough for horses. The've been there since end of WW1 and were transport of choice for hunters traditionally. We went thru paradise valley to three kings range hunting when I was a nipper.
I am getting the impression there are different "facts" about the land tenure depending on what source you choose. Perhaps the information given to the PGF was that which suited the applicants and it was not scrutinised thoroughly. I am watching this space with great interest.