But the bit that will grind people's gears is that in essence, Public funds (the PGF) have been given to a private trust and a successful business that has resulted in the loss of public access to public land.
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But the bit that will grind people's gears is that in essence, Public funds (the PGF) have been given to a private trust and a successful business that has resulted in the loss of public access to public land.
So which roads are actually being closed?
Rangipo intake road?
No, only Waipakahi at this stage. The DoC guy said there was some maintenance going on along the Rangipo intake rd....we will see.
Convoys of 4x4s are poking further into some of that country and that land is very slow to recover. There was monitoring going on a couple of months ago so might be getting some medicine.
I wonder if this will impact on Helisikas hunter business.
I'm disinclined to use them as a result.
Unfortunately they have a strangle hold on the private land around that area and right across to the Ahimanawas.
Well.. that sucks.
I was on the road today, and intended to come back via the Desert rd and take a photo. Unfortunately Mr Google said it'd be an additional 150km on my trip to New Plymouth, so at today's diesel prices that would have been a $70 photo, and I had to get back to feed the girls and only just got back on dark.
This situation also reminds me of Boyd's airstrip where Air Charter Taupo lost the lease to fly people in. Left to the local heli operator to expand their service and give less choice/competition.
The old guy who lives down rangipo road told us this would happen about a year ago. I think I had posted it somewhere on here. He pretty much said the Maori land owners have had enough of people leaving the land a mess, spotlighting and issues with peoples deer selection when hunting. He said Doc weren’t doing enough to take care of the land so they want it back under their control. I better clarify this is what he had told me so this is second hand information.
I have spent a lot of time up rangipo intake road, about 6 weeks a year for the last 6 years and haven’t really had any issues. Sure some young spotlighters on a couple of occasions but they soon leave when you put lights back at them. Going to be really gutted if access is cut.
So these are not public roads then? The gates will need security guards or the cost of maintaining them will be substantial.
OK so it looks like Tree trunk could be in trouble but Ragapoi and Waipakahi are public as far as I can see. Can I block the road in front of my house because people dump rubbish?