Maybe ? Can tell you one thing if I was still living up there and that was my local hunting area I wouldnt be lying down and taking that rubbish.
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There's numerous ways around that gate location, but that's not the point: the roads on Crown land. Period.
Agree and loss of access is/should be a concern to all access to most of NZs public land needs to be increased and improved.
And at the same time deal to shitheads, they reflect badly on all users be them hunters 4wds trampers or campers.
The Youtube videos showing dickheads cutting down trees, why weren't they prosecuted.
I wouldn't be so certain about the illegality of the situation. If there was certainty it would be challengeable in court - and that hasn't happened.
What has really surprised me is the ambivalence DOC, the Access Commission, Tramping Federation/Fed Mountain Clubs, Taupo Council and NZDA etc have shown towards the situation. I've pretty much talked to and raised it with every outdoors organisation I have contacts with and the answer has been the same. "We are watching the situation, we are concerned, there is other access, there is nothing we can do" ...
Has anyone got an update on if anything positive is happening to get the situation resolved?
Possibly not challenged in court because of the cost.
Others will know better than me.
But years ago, I was advised to challenge an irrigation consent issue was $5k to lodge.
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I am guessing that until they actually shut the gate and block access it will be hard to make something stick.
The ombudsman is involved, with particular regard to TDC's role in the matter. They have been negligent in their responsibilities of maintaining the road, and have made statements both publicly and in meetings that are demonstrably wrong, that they knew were so.
It looks like the CEO has moved on before his contract is up also, so things are (veeeeert slowly) happening.
My personal belief is that both the Govt and TDC would prefer that the land was given to Iwi, and they could then wash their hands of the matter - "it's private land, nothing to do with us"
I think one thing is for certain - If the gate is locked and Helisika get their way it sets an extremely dangerous precedent for ALL back country users. Not just us self-centered hunters.
It will end badly .
Seems to me that the Ombudsman’s office typically says either ‘nothing to see here’ or on occasion ‘that was wrong’ , with the emphasis on the past tense? And even more rarely ‘ best you apologise’. I’m not aware of examples where the office says ‘back up and undo that’?
Good on you for trying, but I don’t understand how the Ombudsman can unwind this?
Ombudsman can make recommendations to the relavent ministers for action. Apart from that, if public servants have acted innapropriately that PS authority must take action.
Re, the apparrent bs from TDC. The State Services Commissioner is the agency to examine conduct.