Yep your right 7mmwsm about the East Taupo Lands saga. I think ACT figured it wasn't worthwhile with just Boyds as a desination? Air Charter Taupo were great operators.
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Yep your right 7mmwsm about the East Taupo Lands saga. I think ACT figured it wasn't worthwhile with just Boyds as a desination? Air Charter Taupo were great operators.
Was down waipakahi road a few weeks ago noticed a new building in there and was wondering what it’s for.
There is agate on the drive way entrance to the new building.
There was a heap of work going on down waipakahi road a while back, heaps of 70 series troopy land cruisers and hiluxs, SGS Gobal I think laying pipes or etc
SRG global…. They are blasting and painting the pylons
But they have been available to the public for a long time.
Legally I am pretty sure any road that is open to the public is public.
For example the access road to the power stations I work on are owned and maintained by the company, but are treated as public.
I am sure others on here will know what is correct.
But it is a time that all current users get together as a lot of users besides hunters use these roads.
Going by reports by trampers they probably use them as much if not more than hunters.
I can remember going on school camps at Waipakihi back in the 70s.
Attachment 201713
Attachment 201714
Not public roads.
Purple layer on WAMS GIS is road reserve.
Other coloured layers if they included the area of the roads could be public land access (e.g. if they were shaded green - conservation land).
Just found this which says it all.
Not looking good as deer numbers in that lower part of the river will really take off.
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It sounds like Rangipo intake Rd is owned by Genesis energy.
Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk
One would think so as their access is essential.
Such a shame, great place to take groups of kids to get them into the NZ back country.
Can only assume that it will be heavily monitored with cameras and alike to act as a deterrent to stop people biking in there.
so thank you to helisika for shitting on ground hunters