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  • 1 Post By ANTSMAN
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Thread: Kaimanawa tops

  1. #1
    Walking my rifle
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Kaimanawa tops

    Hi Guys

    Im flying into the kainamawas end of next month for a few days, will be dropped off around the 1300m mark on the tops (not near the area that got 1080), i have never done tops hunting before and im relatively new to hunting in NZ in general. My idea is just wander around the tops and glass a s much as i can and hopefully i get lucky. I have 10x42 Vortex binoculars, the area im going to holds Reds and Sika im not really fussed as im just taking the meat.

    Have you guys got any advice or suggestions?


  2. #2
    Member Chur Bay's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Pray for fine weather. Scout some good spots and make sure you are there at change of light. Use your BIOS heaps. I find they just seem to appear out of thin air. So keep scanning. Long pants are good to keep t blowies off.

  3. #3
    Member ANTSMAN's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    take warm gear, and brew kit, and a foam mat to sit on. Do the hard work now, on Google, look for north facing areas away from tracks n humans if possible, with a water source close. When ur over glassing, glass some more, then a snooze, then glass more,- mostly at gullies and where the bush edge meets open, and where there is bright green feed.Very first and last light especially. If foggy, sometimes the fog comes and goes one minute to the next, and sometimes itll be non stop fog for days, and sometimes it wont
    veitnamcam likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Make sure you have good gear... We walked in for 10 hours in the tops and weather turned fast. Freezing cold. Glad we had good equipment.

    Managed to drop 2x hybrids
    hillclima likes this.



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