Hi, wondering if anyone has been in the kaimanawas lately and is there sign/animals around? thinking around Oamaru, Boyd and Cascade huts, thanks.
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Hi, wondering if anyone has been in the kaimanawas lately and is there sign/animals around? thinking around Oamaru, Boyd and Cascade huts, thanks.
Was in kaipo last weekend. Yes there was sign. There are 2 less animals though
My son was there on Saturday watching and videoing a mob of small pigs. No deer.
I've seen/spooked animals it those areas in just about every month of year so they are around. Shot bugger all of them mind you but that's on me :thumbsup:
Grass growth at the 1000m altitude is going gangbusters now. In a fortnight it will be hitting all that 1200m hunting ground.
Apparently a bunch of 'legends' thermalled 7 deer on the flats around Oamaru. Gut bags etc left around tracks
Be on snap chat or face book it happens everywhere now
Was in halfway between kiko and clements mill couple of weekends ago. Sign everywhere seen two stags and one hind and spooked another over 2 days.
Just came back from gold creek which is just downstream of Boyd. Lots of animals about, spring growth in the guts and gully’s is pumping and animals in prime condition!
I see the desert road is going to close for nearly 2 months!
The animals all pretty nocturnal, or out and about morning/evening?