how easy is to obtain a permit for hunting and what are the deer like. any info on hunting in there would be greatly appreciated
how easy is to obtain a permit for hunting and what are the deer like. any info on hunting in there would be greatly appreciated
Apply on line $50 for weekends and public holidays where I have been deer are scare heaps of pig dogs.
Google timberlands permit and apply, easy as. There are plenty of deer in there but it gets bloody busy
The permits are on First security's website.
Scroll down for the link to the application.
Hunted up there a time or two in the early 80's.
If you could get a gate key and an early start, an effective method was to drive around the block segments until you see fresh tracks across the sandy road, park up, and follow the sign into the forest.
The little sika buggers are a bit ljke Stewart Island whitetails in that they don't seem to venture in much further than 100 metres or so from open areas.
It's easy going on your belly because it's all soft dry sand.
I don't know what it's like up there these days, but in the 80's there were logging trucks everywhere, and they seemed to mostly go in before daylight.
I guess the deer got used to them.
Best of luck mate.
Yip no shortage of deer in there, make sure you get a permit. Be aware that there are a lot of un-authorised people in there as well, be extra vigilant, be seen be safe.
Hunted the 60/8 late 70s early 80s and there were some big deer in those pines
Haven't been in lately but know a few who do. They never leave their vehicle unattended.
Lots of filthy pig hunters around this time of the year
Because public roads go through some areas, there is plenty of illegal spotlighting going on all year round. Be careful!
Found this fawn there in January, right by the road- in the same place on 2 different days, so pretty sure it was an orphan. I was tagging along with a couple of "dirty pig hunters" hunting the native, and we had a spotlight on us where we camped.
Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion