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Thread: Kiwi caught on CCTV in Broadmeadows Wellington

  1. #31
    Ned is offline
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    Oct 2019
    That's something I thought I'd never see in my lifetime. Very cool.

    I hope there's some proactive messaging going out to try and encourage dog owners to have their boundary fence kiwi proof to stop kiwi straying into the yard. That would be a big onus on dog owners but if those that can, do, then it's going to add to helping the cause.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by No.3 View Post
    No they don't. Some cats are happy to wear collars like some humans are happy to wear shackles I guess. Others (the majority in my experience) are not.

    Just coming out and saying "collar all cats" is about as possible as stating "everyone will buy an electric car in 2024 to replace their ICE". Just because you want it to happen and don't like ICE cars or cats, I have to be the one to break it to you you're sh1te outta luck. Also about as likely as keeping all cats inside, most of the cats around these parts DO NOT GO INSIDE EVER. They are bloody nice tame domestic cats, turn up for a scratch and a pat outside the house they just chose to not go inside at all and have their routines outside. A bit of realism about the animal is needed here I think, might as well start bleating about Rosalla's, Magpie's and Myna's and they damage they do to native bird numbers if you're going to bleat about cats. Everyone here is quick to bleat about F&B and them wanting to rid the country of deer, but F&B actually have a point and are quite correct under the law regarding the Wapiti herd - no legal basis to manage the herd under the current legal setup.

    I'll add here for some people, their cats are needed and it's a vital thing for them. If it was their cat(s) or an unknown human dying, sorry human, I personally don't need or want a dog at this point in time, no intention to get one and small dogs just piss me off to be fair. In comparison cats are cleaner, quieter, no stupid high strung character flaws and I can't be arsed picking up dog crap. Plus, the current cat is up to something like several hundred rats, more mice, about 12 rabbits, two stoats and a few other pest species. Dogs are useless in that regard.

    Don't tell that to a Jack Russell.
    Slug, AMac, Micky Duck and 3 others like this.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by sore head stoat View Post
    Well according to the SPCA ,remember they are very pro cat and probably were the ones that coined the phrase TNR [trap neuter return] after catching feral cats desexing them and releasing them again... "Cats are not bothered by collars"
    This would be the same SPCA that called the cat my mother took from them 'bitey' and 'highly strung'. It would be neither, just your average tortie. The organisation is only as good as it's people and a lot of them are well meaning but f-all idea.

    I can tell you that 97% of the cat's I've had are not bothered by collars - they get a collar put on them, they bugger off and turn up 20 minutes later sans-collar completely unperturbed. I have never found a shed collar out in the wild around my block either. Definitely not bothered by collars at all, just don't keep them on. (that's the capital full stop)

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by sore head stoat View Post
    I just read that pamphlet - did that seriously come from the SPCA? What a load of sh1te. Utter bollocks... Family friends had a pedigree cat, expensive bastard. It was an inside cat, breeding grade and about 3K worth (can't remember the flavour to be honest though). A dog got into the house by jumping at a door and attacked the cat and killed it, the man of the house got inside while the attack was happening and the dog didn't leave either. Good bloody riddance I feel, I said to him well done mate but sorry for the loss of your cat. So that's one bit of advice in that little booklet that is total crap.

  5. #35
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    And last time I checked there aren't many pet deer roaming streets at night
    No but up here there are wild deer roaming the streets, 3 people just went to court over running one down and putting it on social media.

    Yes we have a cat he is 17 and fixed, doesn't wear a collar and is locked in Every night as we don't have a cat flap here. He is only ever allowed out if we are home as we leave a door open for him.

    He is a support cat for my wife and she won't have a dog as unfortunately she has a very sensitive nose and lets face it dogs smell even I can smell them and we both like dogs.
    Happy Jack.

  6. #36
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    In QLD cats have to be inside, As a result catios are popular. Most people follow the rules. The ones that don't, if their cat gets caught they get fined and the person who caught it gets part of the money. if it gets caught too many times it gets the long ride to the countryside. At least that is what my missus' friends who live there told us
    Hugh Shields likes this.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by No.3 View Post
    No they don't. Some cats are happy to wear collars like some humans are happy to wear shackles I guess. Others (the majority in my experience) are not.

    Just coming out and saying "collar all cats" is about as possible as stating "everyone will buy an electric car in 2024 to replace their ICE". Just because you want it to happen and don't like ICE cars or cats, I have to be the one to break it to you you're sh1te outta luck. Also about as likely as keeping all cats inside, most of the cats around these parts DO NOT GO INSIDE EVER. They are bloody nice tame domestic cats, turn up for a scratch and a pat outside the house they just chose to not go inside at all and have their routines outside. A bit of realism about the animal is needed here I think, might as well start bleating about Rosalla's, Magpie's and Myna's and they damage they do to native bird numbers if you're going to bleat about cats. Everyone here is quick to bleat about F&B and them wanting to rid the country of deer, but F&B actually have a point and are quite correct under the law regarding the Wapiti herd - no legal basis to manage the herd under the current legal setup.

    I'll add here for some people, their cats are needed and it's a vital thing for them. If it was their cat(s) or an unknown human dying, sorry human, I personally don't need or want a dog at this point in time, no intention to get one and small dogs just piss me off to be fair. In comparison cats are cleaner, quieter, no stupid high strung character flaws and I can't be arsed picking up dog crap. Plus, the current cat is up to something like several hundred rats, more mice, about 12 rabbits, two stoats and a few other pest species. Dogs are useless in that regard.
    no legal basis that may not be correct below from National Parks act

    Other activities in parks
    The Minister may do, or authorise a person to do, any thing that the Minister considers appropriate for the proper and beneficial management, administration, and control of a park.

    key word there is anything gunna be interesting
    AMac likes this.

  8. #38
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    We will never own another cat, after our last one went from being a house cat to a runaway feral for 3 1/2 years. We got him back in pretty rough shape, even for a 12 year old. Mounting vet costs meant we had to put him down about a year ago.

    If someone had killed him while he was a feral, I would have thought it was a fair play.

  9. #39
    Member craigc's Avatar
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    So great to see. The less cats in the environment the more native species we’ll see, that’s a simple fact that can’t be disputed. The number of people who claim their cats won’t kill any other than rats and mice astounds me.

    Slug, Moutere, Nickoli and 3 others like this.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by No.3 View Post
    No they don't. Some cats are happy to wear collars like some humans are happy to wear shackles I guess. Others (the majority in my experience) are not.

    Just coming out and saying "collar all cats" is about as possible as stating "everyone will buy an electric car in 2024 to replace their ICE". Just because you want it to happen and don't like ICE cars or cats, I have to be the one to break it to you you're sh1te outta luck. Also about as likely as keeping all cats inside, most of the cats around these parts DO NOT GO INSIDE EVER. They are bloody nice tame domestic cats, turn up for a scratch and a pat outside the house they just chose to not go inside at all and have their routines outside. A bit of realism about the animal is needed here I think, might as well start bleating about Rosalla's, Magpie's and Myna's and they damage they do to native bird numbers if you're going to bleat about cats. Everyone here is quick to bleat about F&B and them wanting to rid the country of deer, but F&B actually have a point and are quite correct under the law regarding the Wapiti herd - no legal basis to manage the herd under the current legal setup.

    I'll add here for some people, their cats are needed and it's a vital thing for them. If it was their cat(s) or an unknown human dying, sorry human, I personally don't need or want a dog at this point in time, no intention to get one and small dogs just piss me off to be fair. In comparison cats are cleaner, quieter, no stupid high strung character flaws and I can't be arsed picking up dog crap. Plus, the current cat is up to something like several hundred rats, more mice, about 12 rabbits, two stoats and a few other pest species. Dogs are useless in that regard.
    Definite logic failure here - sorry: look up "False equivalency"

  11. #41
    Member Flyblown's Avatar
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    Some of you might remember the “Justice for Vinny the cat” case in Taumaranui 3 years ago. A guy was walking his cats on the golf course when one of them was shot by the greenkeeper. There was an ugly confrontation in the car park afterwards which was videoed and published to Facebook. What followed was a very interesting saga, where militant activist cat owners poured hate on the shooter, whilst funding attempts to have him charged and locked up. This well known local guy was named, his address posted, he was getting numerous hateful threats on social media and the cat activists were keeping pressure on police, the MP, SPCA, ministers.

    Turned out that Vinny’s owner was a bit of a weirdo who took in strays from all over town and further afield, allowing them to breed on his property which backed onto the golf course. His social media profiles were chockablock with a long history of dozens of cats & kittens at his home. He was very unpopular with his neighbours who were being swamped with cats whether they liked it or not. A couple of FB pages popped up to argue that there was no protection for them in law from this guys’ stray cat activities, and that birdlife in their gardens and on the golf course had been decimated. If they posted on his Facebook he just deleted the comments. I found all this very interesting.

    It didn’t take this guy long to work out that he had enough support from the cat militants to get them to chip in for all the cat-food & vet bills. Pretty soon money was being donated to fix other stray cats, which when recovered from whatever filthy lurgy they had, were often released.

    To the best of my knowledge no legal action was taken against the greenkeeper and he is still going about his business today. Maybe someone local on here knows more about the eventual outcome.

    What I got out of following this saga was just how vitriolic the militant cat owners are. Organisations like Predator Free New Zealand 2050 have got a real battle on their hands to contain and control the media focus on the cat owners’ feelings and views. Having read quite a lot of content from the cat owning activists I am quite convinced it’s going to be a vicious battle should more councils (local & regional) attempt to pass cat control legislation. From what I’ve read, the nuttiness of it all, I reckon the cat militants are a bunch of idiotic loons which tells you which side of the fence I’m on.

    We’ve already had a taste of how problematic cat control is in this thread.
    Slug, 308, Nickoli and 4 others like this.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Shields View Post
    Straight back at yah @rewa that's a great, detailed and sobering report, thanks for putting a first hand experience into the otherwise emotive discussion.

    As a by product of my rabbit culling business I send frozen rabbit pieces to Windy Hill Sanctuary on Great Barrier Island for catching feral cats. Their website says the have killed over 200 feral cats. I want youbtoo know that the good work which you and your mates were involved in, continues to this day. I'm very proud to be supporting Wild Hill Sanctuary ongoing environmental protection and suggest that other rabbit shooters could supply rabbit baits to other predator free conservation projects.

    Last week I caught a massive male ferret by hanging a couple of whole, bloody rabbits inside an empty wire dog kennel with ring/circle of DOC200 traps under the rabbit. The ferret trigger three of them and got catch in two! Classic booby trap!
    Unbelievable how large those ferrets get . Glad to know that work is still happening on Barrier , they had banned or were about to ban any new cats on the Island , I don't think there was a huge feral-problem back then so things must have gone downhill a bit . When you see those Chevron-Skinks you realise how special they are , big-ones around 30cm are pretty-amazing , most people probably don't know they exist
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  13. #43
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    This lady was interviewed on TV and asked "has a cat got a right to kill a native bird ?" she never squirmed at all, her answer was yes... The interviewer should of asked "HAS A CAT GOT THE RIGHT TO KILL A KIWI ? her answer would of been interesting, maybe ...

    Time is our friend in this as more and more people are wanting way stricter cat control and eventually I believe it will come.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happy Jack View Post
    No but up here there are wild deer roaming the streets, 3 people just went to court over running one down and putting it on social media.

    Yes we have a cat he is 17 and fixed, doesn't wear a collar and is locked in Every night as we don't have a cat flap here. He is only ever allowed out if we are home as we leave a door open for him.

    He is a support cat for my wife and she won't have a dog as unfortunately she has a very sensitive nose and lets face it dogs smell even I can smell them and we both like dogs.
    With a bath once a fortnight whippets don't smell. Get one! Best dogs ever, and very catlike.

    We're not far away from a cat control act. Give it 10 years. In the meantime, if a cat is trapped and doesn't have a chip, = goneburger. As the furore around that kids hunting contest revealed, it's pretty easy to pick a feral cat from your companion cat if it's caged.

    Identify your target beyond all doubt because you never miss (right?) and I'll be missed.

  15. #45
    308 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by No.3 View Post
    I agree with the fixing suggestion, but a collar just won't work. Also chipping is nearly a waste of time - running a 50% failure rate so far and the current cat is wearing a chip that won't scan. As far as birds, my windows have claimed more kills than the cat running an average 50 a year to the house and sheds or nearly one a week (that we find). Cars are worse too. People get precious about cats, but they are just one source of lethality. Waste of time blaming it all on cats without trying to solve the rest of the issues as well. Yeah cat kill ain't good, but humans are worse. Just saying...
    Interesting what you say about tha failure rate of chips in cats, I hadn't heard of that

    I had heard of a German invention that was a glass made which has a pattern to it which is in a light frequency which birds can see but we can't - apparently to a bird, the window would look like a tree or something solid
    Dunno if it worked commercially but an interesting idea



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