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  • 1 Post By ilikepie

Thread: land access for goats and rabbits in the lower North Island

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2020

    land access for goats and rabbits in the lower North Island

    I am Wellington based, and over time I have lost access to properties for casual shooting. I am looking for access to land in the lower North Island including Wairarapa, Hawkes Bay, Whanganui etc for goats and rabbits.

    Having read about significant rabbit numbers I contacted Hawkes Bay Regional Council, DOC, and Federated Farmers, with no result - they all said they couldn't help, which surprised me.

    I'm looking for a trip away over the Xmas break to give my 14 year old son a hunting experience, happy to tent for a few days, and happy to return regularly to keep numbers down. Goats would be our first choice, and rabbits would also be appreciated, we would adhere to any rules, if you have any suggestions please PM me. Many thanks guys!
    Always trying something new .... 9.3x62 with cast bullets

  2. #2
    NEO is offline
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Yeah. We have same interests for small games. Few rabbits or a goat wild cooked over camp fire, camping somewhere quiet with trout fishing opportunity.
    You may check Hunting HQ, but will cost you some dollars. Good luck.
    Lone Hunter

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    As NEO says, Hunting HQ could be the fastest way of getting some access. An interesting idea,but a bit gougey
    Steve123 likes this.

  4. #4
    MB is offline
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    Deerless North
    HuntingHQ was my thought too. I'd happily use it and pay, but nothing worthwhile in my region.



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