Last for 2022
Thought id go n set a game camera that i was lucky to get on the 25th. Had set it to see what was happening with a rat trap but no joy so thought id try in spot x.
Spot is is very local to me n so took rifles for a drive.....
So the countdown is
Stoked to get the yearling. It took off heading towards the fence. I dropped to one knee and mewed a couple of times....luckily it stopped, albeit behind a clump of tall grass. Made out what i thought was the shoulder n let rip. Heard the thud of a solid hit n saw nothing move off. Scuttled down to where i thought it was n nope no deer.... grass was really long had to cover the whole area...looking looking thinking its gotta be here somewhere..saw movement about 10 metres away...there it is. Reload rifle just in case. Could see it was moving but not really getting anywhere so decided to admit coup de grace using knife.
Did so, unload rifle, obligatory photos then start to prep it for the carry out..start to open up stomach area n hmm, seems like a lot of blood by the arse end....nope, cant see any holes in shoulder entry or exit .....but the arse end is pretty munched up. Looks lie it might have been moving when i fired n hit it in the back leg just under tail, smashing the pelvis.
Hanging up now, ill bone it out in morning n a closer gawk...
The shot seems a bit like the year ive had, a bit of a shit sandwich at times, getting stuff done but not quite hitting the straps right.
Have a good one ya'll.....https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...623f8e5361.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...8a6cd7333f.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...3872b5c511.jpg
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well at least you didnt miss completely ,like I did......big fat red in easy clearing not too far from car,I snuck up last 5 yards behind tree to get braced rest,as cocked hammer she looked up and took off,my shot was slow and low....thinking back on it,Id forgotton about my two black buddies,they were probably looking out from either side of tree with tongues panting and tails wagging...so she would have seen them easily.
had decent look around,no blood or fur...marked bullet plough mark in dirt with base of pack,went back and rested in same fork of tree..YIP definately low...
enjoy what venison you can salvage,the last fallow I shot was hit sideways through pelvis (hind in front of stag in mist) and she also wasnt going far.
beautiful pelt on that animal,one of these days I will get one like it for the wall.