as a former psychiatric nurse i recall nursing quite a few people who had suffered brain damage due to lead. salient points -a couple old time plumbers /drainlayers had over decades been consistently exposed to very high lead levels on a daily basis another 3 i can recall were born to parents at least one of whom again was a consistently exposed to very high levels of lead and ingested the same the4 damage to the person was considered to have occurred in the uteris as the feotus progressed through its developmental stages-these people were profoundly impacted .Whilst i agree lead is bloody dangerous occasional exposure or ingestion of minute quantities could in a lot of cases be Normalised .BTW FYI I nursed at least two old cobblers whod suffered brain damage through constant exposure to hot pots of old time cobblers glue mixes . Me -I get quite preturbed when i see cycling cyril or peddling priscilla gaily trundling along with infants toddlers strapped to the back of the family bicycle with their wee faces at the level of bus truck and car exhausts do our greenies ever consider that??