just coming up with a plan when down South in a couple months for a stop of on the way home for a couple days
Is there a safe parking place on the lewis Pass or is there anyone doing a drop off service $$
pm if prefered
just coming up with a plan when down South in a couple months for a stop of on the way home for a couple days
Is there a safe parking place on the lewis Pass or is there anyone doing a drop off service $$
pm if prefered
Boyle River Outdoor Education Centre do a shuttle service.
More then happy to pay a donation and come back to a healthy truck. Only in planning stages at this stage. Got to find a spot for the first part of the trip now
Worth the $20 fee few yrs ago.
See if you can get a Molesworth block and go for a day hunt. Shit load of venison around at the moment. Anywhere off the Tennyson road or Acheron Rd would be ok
@Bos going to have a look around for chamios, part one of the trip will be chasing Tahr hopefully.
Got enough deer running around NI long way to go to shoot deer and you can only eat so much meat on a trip.
No what you mean. Theres plenty of Chams on Moleswoth if you are prepared to climb high this time of year
Most car parks up through the Lewis now have cameras, a friend on the council told me there are supposed to be 50 scattered up through the area.
@Pengy you are correct must have a sign up saying camera's operating before they get to camera giving them enough room to turn around with out been recorded