Gidday everyone,
new to this forum but seems a good bunch of like minded people so thought itd be worth while signing up
ive been hunting for years but usually along with family and other friends. I have just recently got my own FAL and as of yet do not really have too many places to go except doc, which I know can be good, if you know the right gullys etc that tend to hold the animals.
I know it can be a topic that people like to keep quite hush and might not like to post on a public forum, but would be greatly appreciated even if someone could PM me some propertys, private or public, and location of where they know holds animals. I live in North Canterbury.
Even if someone happens to know a farmer willing to allow another hunter onto their land would be absolutely ideal. and if anyone knows of any down waimate ways that holds good number of wallabys that would be great too haha
any help much apprectiatedcheeers