I look at it this way.
When they were using rocks & clubs, knives weren't sporting.
When they were using knives, spears weren't sporting.
When they were using spears, bows & arrows weren't sporting
When they were using bows & arrows, muskets weren't sporting
When the were using muskets, metallic cartridges wren't sporting
When repeaters showed up they weren't sporting either...
When semis showed up they weren't sporting, (still frowned upon if they are black guns)
When scopes showed up they certainly weren't sporting.....
So unless you walk ten miles to work because a car isn't sporting, you should be very quiet........
How is roaring in a Stag sporting......would be come up to you in September if you roared at him...
Each to their own....
Technology is always moving forward whether we like it or not & whether we choose to embrace it or not....