Any one on here lost a rifle? in the Reefton area. I believe it was a Parkerhale found on side of road,rather strange I must say. Anyway just thought I'd put it out there. The plod I believe are now holding this rifle.
Any one on here lost a rifle? in the Reefton area. I believe it was a Parkerhale found on side of road,rather strange I must say. Anyway just thought I'd put it out there. The plod I believe are now holding this rifle.
Going to be an interesting conversation with Police when owner goes to claim it. How does someone forget a rifle?
I found one years ago the guy put the quad on the trailer sat the gun on the back of quad when load his dogs etc on ute, thought his wife had put gun in ute and drove away.
Driving down the track at night i thought what was that, back up over the stockand there in the headlights was a gun.
In te same way you forget to put up the outboard at the ramp before pulling boat out.
But there is a audible warning usually when that happens as you can hear the $$ being ground off the skeg.
Usually happened to me when "helpful" people interrupt your "post fishing" routine asking questions or trying to do stuff when they are not familiar with boats
Fear of losing FAL, high chance they will write it off and not claim it.
i know someone who had the same happen with a pistol locked in a box on the roof
the cops were all good about it
The Police have done similar things with their firearms over the years so they can't get too stroppy about it!
Few yrs back, I had spent several hrs bumbling about across rough country with 2 large red hinds in my pack, was so done when I got to the truck, I parked my rifle on the truck wheel and promptly forgot the thing, drove off. Got lucky, remembered later and went back and found it, had it been the next day it would have been some random picking it up and going "how do you lose your rifle"?
And then there was that cop from Paeroa, quite some years ago, who on getting out of his mates car at home realized he had left his rifle behind in the bush...he jumped in his car and went back to Clements Road and there was his rifle still leaning against the tree where he had left it.
Well, thats the second one, I picked up the first 25 years ago laying in a heap of road gravel on the side of the road between Reefton and Inangahua. Swede 6.5 complete. Plods got that one too.