'Half a dozen hunters'. Are you happy with your terminology there?
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Himmm lets not all throw us under the same buss. Sounds like it was done in a good way. Who here has not wounded or taken an animal with the first shot. It’s all the same we are hunting. Sure might not be to your taste but in this day and age we need to stick together.
Look at big game hunting in Africa for example. As soon as its mentioned they come out oh the big bad hunters paying to kill. Next sentence is about how many are poached. Two different subjects. Most have no clue about hunting so my point is if it was filmed well and a good show then so be it good stuff. I’ve hunted a few countries now where they do it differently. Open your eyes a little it’s good for the soul :)
You say that it 'sounds like it was done in a good way'. In what possible way is it good when people fire at a full pelt running buck/ deer or anything else for that matter? Too shoot an animal's hoof or jaw off, just because it's easier to harvest ( if you catch it) is rubbish. I'd rather stay home. Regards shooting commercially, it's done very successfully in Africa and contributes to anti poaching very well. What you refer to is not hunting I agree and should not be encouraged or filmed for the good of people to gloat over as a 'good show'. Oh, and I've lived in Africa for 40 years and I can assure you that my eyes were open in the bush, for both animals and insurgents. How's the weather in the UK today?
This happens everywhere in the bop it always has, this is the same argument long range
Hunting or Spotlighting, different people/different morals.
Not as hot as they recon. Durban next week which im looking forward to:)
As regards to running shots and mobs of deer is that not what all WARO is? There just using the horses of the sky.
As I’ve not seen the show or how it was filmed I can’t comment. That is why I said what I said. I believe that with all forms of hunting you need ethics. That is why as you know the elephant hunter gets in close as close as 40 yards if not closer. Any fool can lung shoot one at 100/200 yards.
For the record I’m not a fan of coursing. But I still think that as hunters we do need to stick together in this day and age. Only the other day I got an email from the French hunting federation. Asking me to help fight the tree huggers that want to ban a whole raft of shooting from Fox’s to a lot of other stuff. Here in the UK it started with the fox hunting ban then lead shot and just recently we had the general license debacle, which saw the hunting of crows, magpies, pigeons banned over night. We have managed to overturn that one.
And the NZ himmmm well lead shot ban. Then this shit with the firearms that you are going through. That deer and other big game are classed as pests. They seem to come at us from all angles and it’s a global problem for us. So yes we need to stick together!
Pixilated the shot ah:(
Him ok. But man they are making us into a strange old lot.
We had some scouts come down from Auckland for a farm stay. They did not know where milk came from. Even got one to pee on an electric fence :D but that’s another story.
So what you might say....it was 1986/87 so we could not believe that these four kids didn’t know. Was a real eye opener for them when we dehorning a few head of cattle.
I think it’s in Sweden where the schools take the pupils to the local freeze works to show kids where meat comes from.
I’m all for this.
Isn’t that what we all do when we introduce someone to hunting show them what is humane and what is not. The difference between hunting and the slaughter house is the animals we hunt have a chance. Usually the odds are in there favour.
Look how many schools recently have had possum fund raising stopped by the antis!
Yes let’s stick together and show how good the out door life can be. Where the world is real and breathing, where milk, honey, meat and vegetables comes from. Not off the super market shelves.
I was taught to shoot by my grandfather (first world war vet). When home last I got too hand this down to my nephews. I could all most feel the old bugger looking over my shoulder.
Got a kick out of that passing it on to the next generation.
Hmmm im no camera expert,but how does the camera show tui s deer thru her scope being shot and dropping to the ground when she is looking thru the scope shooting the deer.
cause you add the cross hairs in the editing room.........
Thanks mate I told you im no expert,lols. Bloody good show tho,love her attitude to hunting.
'AGAIN...' Who are you referring to? I certainly never once commented on your movie and never watched it, as you so rightly say. My discussion was with another member regarding a totally different aspect of hunting, may I suggest that you revisit what was written.
Well if it was from an impressive rest cool:thumbsup: and hats of to the lady. Anyone have a link so I can have a look?
You're correct about WARO. In my opinion, massacre from the air is pure money grabbing/job security and wasteful, to say nothing about the cruelty of it all. On my patch of land, I've recently seen a handful of fallow deer after many years and I'm under no illusion that poachers won't shoot them if they get near a road or border fence. When next in NZ take note of the number of deer you see roaming the bush these fine days, near nada. Be very observant in Durban next week. I'm told that only the street wise survive for any length of time in the cities and rural areas now.