Well I are after 6 years going to swallow my pride and pay per KG to shoot some Animals on a property in Zambia.
Ran into a Farmer last break in my home town and during conversation arranged to come out and shoot for the freezer.
Different concept for me.
Not sure what to expect and are hoping that it has some form of walk and stalk involved.
But also viewing it as a way possibly to pave the way to some more properties and areas to hunt.
Farmer does a bit of PH work in Zambia so he can hopefully give me the ins and outs of hunting in the game management areas which you can get a permit for each year.
Seems strange but as a expat you don't want to showing your face in the govt offices to try and get a permit unless you know the system because you will get the run around from desk to desk and bang your head against the wall.
Traded 22-250 in on a 308 for some knock down power as well.
In a sense I already pay to hunt as all trips home to NZ in last 6 years have been fly in trips to private blocks due to time constraints.
But this will be a little bit different as the animals tho running on a large area they are still fenced in.
Hopefully can fill the freezer in next three weeks and will post a story and photos on how it pans out and see how it sits with my ethics.