Hey everyone. Im wanting to explore the Te Puke hills and was hoping for any help of knowledge or point of direction?!. Anything would be greatly appreciated!!!. Cheers.
Hey everyone. Im wanting to explore the Te Puke hills and was hoping for any help of knowledge or point of direction?!. Anything would be greatly appreciated!!!. Cheers.
It's the same for any deer species. Grab your rifle, strap on your knife, lace up your boots and go hunting. You said it yourself you want to explore. Off you go.
Thanks 300
Get the book "Hunting fallow deer in New Zealand" by Howard Egan, lots of info on fallow habits and preferences etc.
A few things I have learnt...
they like grass, they have excellent hearing, and they are very territorial. I have often come across deer within 50m of where I disturbed deer on previous hunts, so if you spook one (though they are often in pairs), mark that spot on phone/GPS for the future. They will probably be playing with their scrapes already, so mark them too, and it may be worthwhile sitting and waiting nearby. If you disturb one without spooking it, they sometimes duck their heads and quickly sneak around behind you. If they hear you, making doe/fawn calls often seems to keep them hanging around a bit longer.
I appreciate the reply Cigar
Spent a fair few hours up Otawa. You have a hell of a challenge hunting them in that tight supplejack but they are there and you'll run into a few pigs too, and go very early or late, always had my best success in those times particularly in the morning just as it's getting light. There's an old hut in there too.
Mean thanks Kiwigreen
With the local fallow I’ve found sorta around 10am and from 5pm onwards good times
Shot Stuart!!!!!