Mixed titles.... If you were going to label these photos what would you call them, related to hunting?
I have put these photos up for historical purposes and for forum members enjoyment and to perhaps to evoke members to add their own titles?
I was playing around on a photo editing site adding generic titles to photos from the past that I have. These 35mm slides relate back to the 1975 period.
History....Its all related to then and now ?
I heard of one person walking up the river and counting over a hundred deer, I have heard of another person saying they saw a mob of 72 deer.
I went around and had a look and saw some 150 deer in one day, obviously they were on private land.
Attachment 243672
Red deer in the back paddocks
or perhaps titles called.... Hunting in the zoo or Whatever rocks your boat or My deer herd is bigger than your deer herd or Perhaps a place for cheque book hunting?
Attachment 243673
Red deer grazing in the back paddocks
or Easy deer vs hard deer?
Attachment 243674
Wild deer on farmland
or Farmland deer hunting?
Attachment 243675
Red deer on the back of the farm
or Is it hunting deer or shooting deer? or Do deer farmers make good deer hunters?
Conclusion, is this hunting or shooting if you had a place like this to hunt on?
Perhaps someone, somewhere, has hundred/s of deer not far from the farm house?
Perhaps right now they are looking at them from the kitchen window?
Perhaps I will add more related photos to this post, even though they are photos from the past?
Perhaps someone out there somewhere has hundred/s deer and they want to put their photo on here?