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Thread: Molesworth Ballot 2018

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ANOTHERHUNTER View Post
    molesworth is a farm and has got TB which is showing up on surrounding farms . I would say that is the main reason they are going hard on the poisoning.
    Deer are an end host, NOT a bTB vector. If bTB was and had been properly addressed in the cattle there would not be a problem. Furthermore tha possums could have been dealt to by trapping.

    The debacle of the spread of myocardium bovis is yet another example of how poorly addressed cattle movement and testing really is. The NAIT program has been made a sham by TB Fre NZ and farmers.
    veitnamcam, tetawa and H&K MAN like this.

  2. #47
    Member deer243's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRADS View Post
    The northern Ruahines where done in october Bruce with no repellant, seems to be just as many deer about as before the drop.
    I went out 2 weeks before the drop and 3 times afterwards into the same area so feel it reasonably accurate information.
    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    As i have said a year ago there actually is 1080 pellants which the operators call enhanced 1080 and is designed to be used more to kill deer and pigs. Whats actual in it im not sure, be it something the deer find more attractive to eat or a higher dose but it does exist. I use to do lots of pighunting with mates and hunted many 1080 areas, it didnt effect pigs that much. Recently local they used enchanced 1080 to get the pig numbers down right in some areas and a year after there was hardly one pig in blocks that used to have many. The molesworth no doubt deer were the target as much as any possum. Anyone that doesnt believe that DOC after all these years havnt come up with a 1080 dose that works better killing larger game are in dreamland.
    They have and are starting to use it more and more. It doesnt help one bit that the woman that took over the roll Maggie (do as im told)Barry used to run is totally against deer and pigs being class as game animals and wants they dead.
    She publicly has said as much before she got into power and was involved in the poision bandwagon
    H&K MAN and sometimes like this.

  3. #48
    Member Reindeer's Avatar
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    I despise the fact that the place that produces this toxic shit is in my town and i have visited the factory a number of times, regulatory.
    The CEO is soo proud of what he produces it makes me ......

    The usual DOC mantra of "places are inaccessible/difficult" to trap is utter bullhoey at Molesworth.
    Theres is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the deer were the sole target of these operations on molesworth station.
    The very limited pacthes of bush would be super simple to do a line through and as for the tussock blocks these would be easy too.

    I would argue theres more of an issue with the rabbits than any other pest. Note deer/chamois are not pests, Game animals.

    As for Sage, the champion of the war criminal, she gets her way any proposed HOSI and GAC will be an uphill with a stick with her.

  4. #49
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Unless something massive has happened we are all unaware of deer and chamois are still pests?

    Sent from my SM-A320Y using Tapatalk
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reindeer View Post
    I despise the fact that the place that produces this toxic shit is in my town and i have visited the factory a number of times, regulatory.
    The CEO is soo proud of what he produces it makes me ......

    The usual DOC mantra of "places are inaccessible/difficult" to trap is utter bullhoey at Molesworth.
    Theres is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the deer were the sole target of these operations on molesworth station.
    The very limited pacthes of bush would be super simple to do a line through and as for the tussock blocks these would be easy too.

    I would argue theres more of an issue with the rabbits than any other pest. Note deer/chamois are not pests, Game animals.

    As for Sage, the champion of the war criminal, she gets her way any proposed HOSI and GAC will be an uphill with a stick with her.

    Its my understanding that the 1080 for south island use is produced in Izone industrial area of Rolleston outside of Christchurch, it is also my understanding that the didn't originally disclose the purpose as manufacturing 1080 in the resource consent, i also hear that that consent mentioned the roller door was only to be open for loading/unloading etc, yet i pas it a few times a week and have Never seen the roller door closed- its always wide open. just saying.. thats a place we should poke a stick at
    Reindeer likes this.

  6. #51
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    Regarding the unpoisoned ballot areas not being open for hunting:-- I would not be surprised if the bent rationale of DoC and TBFree is that they dont want hunters pushing deer and pigs back into the poisoned areas, thus ensuring maximum kill of game animals when they do actually poison the next areas.

    The 1080 factory at Rolleston was / is part financed and owned by West Coast Regional Council with more than a million $$ of ratepayers funds, and with no consultation with the ratepayers at all. The west Coast Regional Council own Vector Control Services which is a 1080 aerial poisoning business, which the WCRC issues poison consents and jobs to . (In other words it issues the consents to its own money making business unit. Furthermore the WCRC has million per year of ratepayers funds held in reserve to "help out" TBFree and DoC.

    And in the meantime Nick Smith removed the rights of citizens to object to their own councils prior to poison operations taking place.
    No corruption in dear little Gods-own eh !

    Gee Wayne

  7. #52
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    If I remember rightly, going back 20 or so years ago, There were some prominent national MP's who were either on the board of the 1080 manufacturing company or major shareholders. I can picture one of them but cant remember his name.

  8. #53
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    ACP LTD now renamed as Orillon is a government State owned enterprise. No mater which government is in power, the two principle directors are usually nominal and include Minister of finance and minister of agriculture. However, it is true that the manufacture of 1080 poison in New Zealand is by a government owned profit seeking business.

    The real issue for hunters is whether or not game animals are recognised as a valuable resource and properly managed as such on public land.
    csmiffy likes this.

  9. #54
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deer243 View Post
    As i have said a year ago there actually is 1080 pellants which the operators call enhanced 1080 and is designed to be used more to kill deer and pigs. Whats actual in it im not sure, be it something the deer find more attractive to eat or a higher dose but it does exist. I use to do lots of pighunting with mates and hunted many 1080 areas, it didnt effect pigs that much. Recently local they used enchanced 1080 to get the pig numbers down right in some areas and a year after there was hardly one pig in blocks that used to have many. The molesworth no doubt deer were the target as much as any possum.
    None of this is true. No wonder hunters have no credibility and no political influence whatsoever when rubbish like this isn't questioned.
    Tahr and BRADS like this.

  10. #55
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bos View Post
    For a few years, Molesworth was an awesome place to hunt. Plenty of trophy animals - both Stags and Chamois. It was a great place to take a young fella/felless and give him/her some experience in the SI high country in amongst good numbers of animals. One of the most concerning issues now is that DOC are clearly targeting the deer, without having the balls to come clean on the whole thing, and they get away with it .
    It was an OSPRI operation, not DOC. How can DOC be targeting deer with an operation that they're not involved in running?
    Tahr and R93 like this.

  11. #56
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    By the sounds of everything I hear, the poisoned area of Molesworth is stuffed for deer hunting for the foreseeable future. The truth is bad enough without lies and conspiracy theories.
    Tahr, BRADS and 223nut like this.

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimp View Post
    It was an OSPRI operation, not DOC. How can DOC be targeting deer with an operation that they're not involved in running?
    If operations such as poisoning or trapping are desired to be conducted on NZ public land administered by DoC, then a specific permit has to be applied for to DoC. There has to be an assessment of likely environmental impacts including effects on indigenous wildlife which is a mandatory part of the operational permit application to DoC. The permission has to be signed off by DoC as well as by the resource consent authority. Therefore DoC, in every instance has the option of insisting on trapping to achieve target specifics such as possums and rats and stoats; and declining the use of poisons such as 1080 or brodifacoum (TALON) or Pindone or cholicaciferol or PAPP or other nasty stuff. Furthermore DoC is supposed to require a post operation assessment of whether non target species were affected and to what degree; especially in relation to the AEE claims made in the initial operational application. The vital requirement is seldom met and the public left deliberately unaware of the post operational negative effects.

    In short, one can only conclude that in many cases, including Molesworth, that DoC is tacitly enjoying the massive bykill of game animals when possum is the "official" (har har) actual excuse. Public advisement of non compliance in terms of deleterious effects on protected species is seldom achieved, and one can only conclude that this deliberate by both DoC and OSPRI and the consenting authority involved. For instance, where is the AEE and then the post operational assessment of the AEE assumtions pertaining to the Molesworth operation??
    Where is the real obfuscation? It sure as hell is'nt by the public MATE.
    veitnamcam, deer243, blake and 1 others like this.

  13. #58
    Bos is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimp View Post
    By the sounds of everything I hear, the poisoned area of Molesworth is stuffed for deer hunting for the foreseeable future. The truth is bad enough without lies and conspiracy theories.
    Thats the guts of it alright.



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