I’ll just leave this here.
I’ll just leave this here.
The Only Thing Not Delivered By Truck Are Babies...
It,s been long pointed out we need a dislike button
The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017
Sad state . I do wonder why the Marlborough NZDA that took donations etc after 18 months hasnt produced anything or any comments after all this time, only saying the results are being processed and be out in due time. Tb Free beaten them to it, releasing data im sure they held of on as long as possible because its not a good look.
When asked questions about it they rather not say anything other than there own committee hasnt seen any results as yet??
Really, whos doing this survey, why havnt they shared information with the NZDA committee as yet, whys it taken so long and in the end who cares now. If TBfree are willing to confess its a 90 percent kill rate thats all the ammo the Marlbough NZDA need, im sure they have no wish to produce any results that state less and whats it going to acheive.?
It was always a waste of time and money, TB free has done the work for them, instead of some action happening to save the little of what is left of the herd.The Marlb NZDa has taken hunters donations and money, taken a age with little information to produce nothing to the public after 18 months.
Its all been abit of a joke, lets hope some results are released soon to back upo the TBFree report and prove that the money was used wisely, and some accountable proof can be seen but in the end we know this.
The Molesworth herd is stuffed. TbFree got what they wanted, a reducing in deer numbers, theres no doubt about it that it was more than a possum control. The survey from the marlbourough Nzda will acheive nothing, never was going to. Tbfree has told everyone what we need to know for free, the molesworth may never recover again if more drops are still planned for the area.
Whats the answer, who knows, DOC, TBfree do what they want. They want possums dead, surley if its done so well on the deer the possums must be wiped out unless 1080 is better killing deer than possums.
I "like" the OSPRI comment that 1080 operations often result in significant deer by-kill.
Deer on Molesworth weren't a by-kill, they were the target species, ffs
does anyone know where the exact drop zone was? preferably showing on a map. I can't find anything online
heading to St James a the end of the week and keen to see how far away the nuke happened...
The drops were on ballotted hunting blocks so guess there may be hunters on them? On the opposite side of the road to St James.
Cheers for that - I looked up the Molesworth ballot blocks and found this map, which happens to show the aerial drop zones Oct 2017 (red stripes)
I had the Dillon Block prior to the drop which has since being 1080 ed.
The drop was a reasonable distance from St James. The blocks were balloted last year and as expected produce very few animals.
Workmate is hitting Molesworth next Tuesday, I sent him the report in the Herald yesterday, hes a bit gutted as to be expected.
Its a bit at odds with the westland landcare study that found deer numbers remained static if not rose after drops aimed at rats etc which was not what they were expecting. Perhaps the bait are different or the terrain plays a role, or OSPRI wont admit the truth.
I have a good source and have no doubt whatso ever that the deer were the main aim and possums were the by kill. The only reason more drops have been delayed is that the results were far better than they expected so no need to do further at the moment and as a bonus it seems that they listening to groups like NZDA and delaying the drops but in the end thats a lot of BS.
They got want they wanted, and they getting bonus points because it seems they listening to groups like the NZDA but you have to have little brains if you believe that
Correct. To be blunt,there are far too many hunters who are incapable of reading between the lines. killing deer is the name of the game and the word by kill is used to cover their agenda. Would they be using the shit if it didn't kill every thing?...........No
Sad but true.
Just came out of a balloted block that wasn't poisoned. Two of us hunted together and saw 31 deer, and about 20 odd pigs over 3 days. Also heard stags roaring that we didn't see. Third mate hunted alone and seen 20 odd deer, but could have seen some of the animals we were counting.
Either way, there's still a reasonable number of animals on some of the blocks.