as above i thought i would start a fun topic
That Moment when....... you have grabbed the wrong bolt and mag load of ammo!!!!
Due to wanting to get rid of some pre xmas lard.....yup pre xmas lol i decided on a walk to an old haunt. Normally 2 hours in and 2 hours out to Smiths Creek Shelter is what i had usually allowed when going into here, now i have not been in for ages as i have hunted further afield. The main aim was for fitness but gun came along as there have been the odd redskin floating around. Anywhoo i loaded the kids in the truck ready for the bus, the fat lab and crazy vizsla into the back and went in to get my 708, grabbed the pouch out of bolt compartment of the safe, loaded bolt in to rifle and put mag in my pocket and off i went. Get to the carpark and 4 older folk were getting geared up for a trip in also. Let them know my intentions and i was off. Rifle on back and we set a path upwards. about an hour into the journey and i have my elbow resting on the bolt and all of a sudden it dawns on me.....this bolt does not feel like the one i should have in my 708, i look down and sure enough i have the bolt from my .284 (it has an oversized handle) so no issue, both Tikka bolts....oh shit i think, if i have the wrong bolt then surely the mag is from .284.....yup. So out it comes and back into my pocket. Thankfully i carry some spare rounds on my belt. ::
So there you have it my "The moment when......"
Please feel free to add your own.