The Weka's will be extra happy now when they have their evening 'Roll Call'
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The Weka's will be extra happy now when they have their evening 'Roll Call'
To be honest, I was quite shocked and sickened when I saw the photo of all those dead kiwi. However they were killed and I cannot say that my dog Tui would not do the same if left to run in the bush either, she very likely would, so your posting is a good wake-up on that. As far as wild cats, few people realise just how many are out there. When a local forest block here was clear-felled, cats came pouring out, and I shot 23 round the sheds in one week alone. About 12 years ago a farm between Hawarden and the Waipara Gorge undertook an intensive cat trapping program to reduce Toxoplasmosis related abortions in their stock. Result 396 cats caught !!
Of all the blatant cheek.... went over to the duck pond to plant out some trees and it was just like the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. Not who's been sleeping in my bed, but a cat was sleeping in the MaiMai. Anyway this story ending is an adult version and differs to the children's one in that, 'Goldilocks' was routed from father bears bed, treed by an angry barking dog and didn't get to eat porridge ever again !.
I have seen wild dogs out and about (last time in the south island). They are there just not as common as cats but apparently a lot more destructive on some species. In both cases it's not the animals fault but the irresponsible owners who don't control, neuter or keep them under control.
Addition to Morgan it wasn’t measured..
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I dealt to a couple of wild cats on Stewart Island. They devastate the birdlife there, no doubt about it. The little bastards got an authentic cage diving experience (no rimfire on me unfortunately)
Cats might well need to be dead but they're not bastards for being what they are.
Cats are said to be the most purely carnivorous group among mammals ( much more so than dogs that can be fed all manner of cereals,carrots and old socks yet remain in rude good health). When a cat eats grass, catnip etc it seems to be largely recreational. Wild ones have to eat meat (or eggs); they just dont have the psychology nor physiology for voluntary veganism that humans do.
Dry biscuits are not a natural or optimal food for cats and if pet owners had to feed their kittikins real meat there would be a lot fewer of them.
I used to shoot every cat around after losing chickens to them.
We used to go through a lot of poison with traps all over and still the cars were damaged by rats or mice nesting in and around the engine gnawing through sensor cables and sound proofing.
One day while feeding the chooks I became aware of two little eyes and a pair of big ears watching from cover.
I decided to see where this goes a feral cat among the chooks what could go wrong.
Well wee Chook as we called her began sleeping with the chooks and feeding with them.
Suddenly we did not need poison and no damage to cars not even rodent prints in the engine bay and no more lost chooks or stoat attacks.
Well wee Chook has been here for a number of years almost every time you see her she has a mouse, rat or a stoat, a fantastic mousers are these ferals.
I take Chook walks and she catches rabbits, she loves going over the paddocks with the thermal monocular at night she follows me onto a mouse I put a light on it she does the rest.
In all Chook has been a valuable asset and saved us money and grief over the years and we lost no more chickens, she sleeps with them.
We have just adopted a tiny feral tom cat kitten the dogs found in the river bed Chook was not to happy but they seam to be bonding.
Cats have their place I don't shoot them anymore.
Just my experience.
This could be a Disney movie.
Jack with the black nut sack is a crack up around here, just today out rabbiting he found a wild cat and after it, yes they will nip down a rabbit hole to get away from a pack of fine specimen dogs as the whole lot of them ended up after it.
What all the dogs fail to tell anyone is around camp they don't even look at the two cats here in fact sleeping in the same bed as the cats.
Got them for rats as the good nature piece of shit.failed epicly, the cage traps were so so, won't use poison because lots of dogs.
As for cats themselves, I'm now of two minds. I think if there is plenty of rabbits around they live as the local quail seem to be doing just fine and I know there is no shortage of cats around the place on top of my two. Since getting the thermal scope it's been a real education on just how many rats and mice there is around the place.
Like everything I farm it, if I see cats or ferrets where there is no rabbits they die. All stoats die straight away.
the kids cat has grown out pretty well he scored 174 Attachment 114405