Mt studholme
Gidday all new member long time follower new to otago pig hunting is my main past time.just after some info on mt studholme.
How far past the tower can you drive a vehicle or am I best to take the 4wheeler and is it safe to leave a vehicle up there. Any information on pig numbers up there or anywhere south canterbury/otago would be greatfull, not after your spots just a point in the right direction.I can offer in return spots with high deer numbers also not afraid of long hours on the hoof.feel free to pm me cheers happy hunting.
@RUMPY or @Micky Duck are the best to explain.
I have been up once with Rumpy but its not my patch so can only say yes you can drive to the tower and you can drive to further south tower (next one) but turn off before it and go round the side.
Looks like a cant pm you yet. Plenty of pigs up there. Use to pig hunt up there regularly but no longer have dogs. Can drive right to top and some ways over back, buggy or bike is recommended from repeater onwards tho. If u can send me a pm do so and i will give some more advice. Cheers
I think but not sure you need at least 5 posts before PM kicks in as an option
Thanks guys still trying to figure out how to work this page I'll get up there next week for couple of nights and have a good look around went up there years ago buy can't rember bugger all
I have no idea sorry. The time I took @Happy Jack up there was the first time I'd ever been up to the top.
Hunter Hill pork ain't that nice , not sure what taints it but not a fan .
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Go have a look. Should be more water than usual around. Be prepared for long uphill carry back to wagon. Some good big boars up there. Vechille should be safe enough. Was large prints on track along top months back when I was up there last. Take plenty water for when get back up to wagon.