Chur to the brothers! Just got my first deer today! I really want to thank all the brothers on here for encouraging me to keep on with the Doc land even though I was having little to no success! It paid off today! Ill share my short hunting story with you all. My flatmate and I started off early today up at 5 am, we arrived to our hunting destination at about 6:30am. Our target species was just goats but what happened will stay with me forever even if its not a trophy animal. We descended this massive fuck off ridge took us about and hour or so. We carefully emerged onto the massive clearing we had found in this Doc block looking for stinky little goats. We heard some crashing in the bush, my mate goes "Its a fucking deer!" we carefully dropped to our knees. Emerging from the bush was this massive hind! Ive never even seen deer in the wild it was crazy man. The hind knew something was up! She pranced onto the clearing and behind some manuka. I slipped a round into the chamber incase she popped out again. Then just after that a yearling popped out looking for mum! I had barely anytime to think. I pullled my trusty tikka .308 upto my shoulder. Aimed for the shoulder the shot was about 100m offhand. I placed my shot "BOOOOMFAA" fucking sacked him bro. First deer in the bag and I couldnt be happier! Good times all round! Thanks again to all the brothers on the forum who have offered me advice since I joined. Cheers