Hope the link works.
Copied from Fish and game newsletter
Right now, Parliament is debating a replacement for the Resources Management Act (RMA).
The Bill is an urgent threat to your access to the outdoors to fish and hunt.
It excludes our pursuits, and all other sport and recreation, as desirable outcomes from resource management. Ecological integrity and development are the primary aims, and achieving these can be at the expense of public enjoyment and use of the wilderness, and the recognition of valued introduced species and their habitats.
What’s more, the Bill drastically limits your ability to have input over regional resource management plans, or seek justice when what you value about the outdoors is harmed by decisions.
The new Bill has been prepared quickly and without enough public input. It is a good foundation, but is so important and complex that it requires more time and collaboration across the community to get it right.
Enjoyment of the great outdoors is part of New Zealand life. Experiencing the wilderness is more important than ever to our wellbeing.
We must lock this into law. You must insist that our natural environment, our rivers, lakes and wetlands, are preserved in laws and policies, for public use as well as for its own sake and for environmental health.