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It is possible on that front on brisket shot for a bullet to pass outside the ribs inside the shoulder and not actually hit anything vital... not saying thats what happened just saying.
also just saying... I think most people who shoot for the engine room shoot too low Ie one third up the depth of the chest. where the fuck this rule of thumb came from I have no Idea.
Aiming for this area a slightly low shot will break the brisket and do no real damage. If it hits where you aimed it will likely hit or at least damage the heart and they quite often(fucken always) take off on a heart run which in some country can mean a hour at least trying to find a dead deer or not finding it at all.
Aiming that low also gives very little left right margin for error on a broad side shot,the diaphragm and lungs taper back from forward low to high rear.
Broadside on if you want bang flop place your pill half way up the depth of the chest in line with the front leg,if your shot is true you wont hit leg bone, you will annihilate the lower lungs and major arteries out of the heart and shock to the spine will drop it right there.
If your a bit high from aim point you will breakm the scapular damage high lungs and shock the spine and drop it right there, if your a bit high and left or right a bit you will damage lungs shock the spine and drop it Right there.
If your really high(4-6 inches on a mature red) you will hit the spine and lungs and drop it right there
The "vitals" cavity on a mature deer is from upper side of brisket to about 2/3rds of the way up.
A pig is differrent, vitals are in the lower half not 2/3rds.
I will slip it in on the crease most the time if its to far for a neck but if it is imperative its DRT( IE will be hard to find if moves) its halfway up the depth of the chest(lung shot) at a point in the center of the chest between the NATURAL LINE OF THE FRONT LEGS
So IMHO you want to pass that pill threw the point between the front legs halfway up the chest,depending on angle this could mean aiming behind the shoulder on the crease or in front of the shoulder on the point.
Sincerely "hates heart shots with a passion"