Hi mate, welcome! Do you have any firearm experience? If not, i would suggest joining deerstalkers and going along and meeting them and getting to grips with their firearm ettiquette (did i spell that right?) Nothing worse for both parties than a beginner turning up with a rifle and start waving it around! I am sure they would let you have a go with some of their toys and you can decide on your preferences.
You will also meet some people who can point you in yhe right direction for hunting.
May i suggest your first purchase is a bolt action .22, you can practise heaps cheaply and get good at shooting, it also gives you some time to decide if/what centrefire you want. It doesn't have to be an expensive 22 but it must be a bolt action, you can get a semi later once you have learned some good habits!
Most calibres work just find for NZ hunting, i would suggest .243 or bigger for someone starting out, smaller and your margin for error is very small, but not so big you are scared of the recoil. The rest is really personal preference and dictated by the type of hunting you will do eg bush or tops hunting. I suggest reading heaps, these forums are really good, go into gunshops and handle as many as you can, decide what you like and form your own opinion, everyone will tell you to buy what they like, really any rifle over about $800 will be fine! Just don't buy a remington 770!
