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Thread: New Gun laws

  1. #1
    Member RichieRich's Avatar
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    New Gun laws

    In light of all the recent goings-on in the states, i've just read about a bill passed not long ago in NZ to do with restricting controls on firearms specifically semi-autos (AR's/AK's).
    Now firstly let me say that i am not trying to start and argument here, im am simply trying to further my understanding of the situaltion, there's always 2 sides to a story right!

    But i would really like to know why one would buy a AR15 or equivilent?
    I've read some people calling them 'sporting' rifles and other 'military' rifles (Pro and Anti).
    To me a sporting rifle is something used for either target shooting or game hunting (where accuracy is important) and im not sure why someone would use a semi-auto on either of these.
    I know you "could" use a semi for these, but would you?



  2. #2
    ebf is offline
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    I know of two sporting codes that require the use of semi-auto rifles, there probably are several more...

    IPSC 3-Gun
    Service Rifle

  3. #3
    Member big_foot's Avatar
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    The way I put it to a guy the other day is the reason these rifles are so popular is because they do the job they are designed to do better than any other. Thats why they are used by military and also sportsman.

    At the end of the day if you want a rugged, reliable, accurate and diverse rifle with plenty of options for after market parts and customizing, your options are narrow.

    Its like asking the question why would average Joe Blogs want a V8 commodore for on the road when they are used in top end racing?
    Littledog and RimfireNZ like this.

  4. #4
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichieRich View Post
    To me a sporting rifle is something used for either target shooting or game hunting (where accuracy is important) and im not sure why someone would use a semi-auto on either of these.
    I know you "could" use a semi for these, but would you?


    Because all of mine are more accurate than my bolt actions at a lot less cost.
    My Very first one was a RRA Varmint rifle and could make a 10 round group you could cover with one of the old 10 cent pieces at 100 yards with Vmax 55gnrs.
    They are not to everyones taste but they are no different to any other type of firearm in that they go bang. They are not any worse or any better than any other type.
    Just my opinion though and I have grown up with them as I shoot/compete in IPSC, Service rifle , Longerange competition.

  5. #5
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Hunting, service rifle, 3 gun are the main uses. Also pest destruction. Perfect intermediate range goat gun. It gives you the option of creating more of a shooting system rather than a stand alone rifle, if you get a few different uppers. They have their place like anything else. Bolt actions will always be more versatile if you want to set up an LR rig for example. Some people prefer bolt guns because of the way they carry and certain perceived safety aspects. I'm partial to either. I reckon AR's carry mint when you use a sling. I like where the safety and mag release is. It really is just military tech finding a civi role, much like how the bolt action rifles we know and love today where developed off of Mausers etc

  6. #6
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    As far as accuracy is concerned, most rack grade AR's are perfectly adequate for hunting. The fancier ones generally shoot outstanding. FletchNZ's 6.8spc build is freakishly accurate and it doesn't even have a free float handguard.

  7. #7
    Member Happy's Avatar
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    I have .223 Howa bolt action varminter in my safe .Its is super accurate out to 250 longest success and far enough for me but my AR is the one I take out of the safe now as its light, accurate ,and for goats , rabbits,hares, turkeys and peacocks it is possible to get four or five of each before they know whats going on. For pest control for my mates thats what they want to see so you get a few places to shoot on.

    Aside to that I got a nice Fallow meat stag Dec which was running (in the open ground so good vis plus safe as) on my last shot as was able
    to see where the misses went and work on to him.. That was pretty much first time Id been hunting deer with it.

    No way would be doing that with bolt action and no you wouldnt do that in the bush under any circumstances at all as way too dangerous .

    RR I see youre in Hamilton if you feel like making a trip to Matamata one weekend day pm me (need a weeks notice to orjiminise ) we'll take a drive up the hill or to a mates and you can try one
    Be aware you may need to budget one in though if you do that ...

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichieRich View Post
    To me a sporting rifle is something used for either target shooting or game hunting (where accuracy is important)
    I thought the dinosaur mentality of "all semis are inaccurate" had died a long time ago. Obviously i was wrong.

  9. #9
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    Ja I'm sure Yevgeny Dragunov would have had something to say about that

  10. #10
    Member dogmatix's Avatar
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    I bet the flintlock boys, i.e. Davy Crocket had to put up with similar comments from the match lock musket boys.
    "Why use a peice of flint to fire, when a slow burning leather match does the same job?" (but less efficiently and in an outdated way).

    Richie, like the others, I have a semi that fires as accurate as many bolt actions do. Why shouldn't I use it for hunting? Its making use of 1950's technology, when my bolt action is making use of 1890's technology. Technology evolves and so does its applications, otherwise we would still be using matchlock muskets.
    Welcome to Sako club.

  11. #11
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    +1 Dogmatix

    Here is a good infographic showing the evolution of the rifle over the last 400 odd years.

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    Image courtesy of The Evolution of the Rifle by Cannon Gun Safes | Cannon Safe

  12. #12
    Member RichieRich's Avatar
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    Is purely a lack of knowledge than opinion sorry Towely, i haven't had any experience with semis, hence the post.
    Probably could have worded it better.

  13. #13
    Member kimjon's Avatar
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    They certainly have there uses and I wouldn't be without one. Yes for target shooting, the most accurate .223 I own is a semi (AR15).


  14. #14
    Member HeinB's Avatar
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    Legislation these days are all about what a gun looks like, the fact that it's semi auto vs bolt is almost irrelevant, ARs are evil because they are black, have a comfortable grip and a bunch of holes and rails. Ruger Mini-14 is 'good' because it doesn't look evil, event though it's exactly the same thing at the end of the day.

    It's shocking the number of people out there who think that ARs are evil and why would anyone want such a 'powerful' rifle, then they stare in disbelief when you tell them that you have a bolt action with 50 round magazine that is 5 times more powerful than the AR and it's completely legal.

    At the end of the day, with any action on A-cat you squeeze the trigger once and one bullet comes out.

    ARs are tons of fun to shoot at the range and heaps of guys love hunting with them. If we have been deemed fit by the police to own a firearm, why not a AR?

  15. #15
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    Re: New Gun laws

    I have to say my ARs rekindled my love of shooting and I have met some cool like minded people and made some great friends. I never expected all that when I bought the gun but I'm glad I did.

    Sent from my HTC Desire HD using Tapatalk 2



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