I will bring my new gps, unless i get to h&f to get topo by then. Chur
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Here is the general area
Attachment 16110
Find the features 731 and 732 in the upper lefthand corner (NW corner) and then locate the right hand fork of the plateau in the middle between the two features. That is where we will be camping.
And you see that spot left of there, if you hold your tongue just right? Yip? Good, STAY AWAY from there :P
Actually its a good spot early spring, and mid autumn, its one of the old crossings for deer when they used to move from the forest back into the bush.
Guys you REALLY want to head out and find the remains of the old Rangers hut then. Just follow the horse track that starts near track 87 (Rushy will point you in the right direction), make sure they take the left fork . . .
There you go Rushy, you won't see him till Sunday arvo.
Hi RODSTA, like you, I am new to this caper. A word of warning: I have become obsessed with this hunting stuff, so beware, you may find 'life' tends to get in the way of hitting the hills!! Anyway, if you ever have cause to visit the Hawke's Bay, we could head out, I'm getting onto some good spots. I'm also going to be up at Waikaremoana a lot over summer, so let me know if you're intending to head that way. Lots of knowledge on this forum, by the looks, so have at it!!
If your keen on Kaimai hunting Rodsta give us a shout. I'm heading up for 3 days this weekend to tidy up a old camp site and will be up there most weekends till the roar
sweet bro pm'd you and we'll go from there
Due to financial and work related reason's I can not make this trip. Gutted. Sorry guy's have a good one !
Bummer but thanks BH. Perhaps we should do a roll call.
I am still in
IM still in
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In (not arriving till Friday night)
In (not arriving till Friday night) :yuush:
YAY 1 day of hunting for @Rushy and i before trouble turns up :thumbsup:
ohh am i giving away your trade secrets sorry about that :thumbsup:
I could be keen if there's still space, but will have to confirm. I wont be able to come over until the Friday though as i am already in the hills Monday to Thursday that week.
ill get you when you sleep .................
u have to sleep at some stage
so that makes 6 of us so far, is that guy you were telling me about when i came to your place still going to come rushy ?