it is a shame some people are dumb enough to fall for such blatant propaganda.
it is a shame some people are dumb enough to fall for such blatant propaganda.
you don't have to hunt the kawekas to know that was a deliberate exaggeration piece/propaganda aimed to whip up hysteria.When the main bloke says "there is 4 deer/sqkm when there should be a max of 1" then proceeds to say "actually there's more like 30-40/sqkm".He clearly was on a rant and was getting carried away.
My opinion is that hunters need to push back hard against these F&B tactics-F&B are our enemie within the hunting context.numbers are higher than what they should be but not by much and it won't take to much to get them under control but if F&B get a say in the solution it will be a poisoning and hellfire solution that leaves us with one deer/sqkm.Fu#k that-all hunters want to get something when they're out there slogging away not maybe bag something once every 5 trips.
Most of those who have known it for a length of time will say it's the closest to the truth F&B have ever been. If we cant agree that there are too many then we are dreaming and deserve the consequences. And they talked about control not eradication. There has never been a better time for us to get off our high horse because at the moment we have the high ground on this. And there sure as hell wont be poison as you allude to.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Very interested to hear your reasoning on this.
Overkill is still dead.