Fact..... a good straight up and down friend of mine, who shall be nameless, ( but he owned an R44 ) kept some facts and figures of how many deer his clients shot in the Kaweka's each year, mainly to try and convince DOC that their ridiculous landing fees were counter productive, but he also researched and recorded the weight of boned out Sika that were brought out of the Kaweka's by his clients, and the average weight was 7 Kg over all the age groups and sexes. That's not a misprint.
And Cam Speedy did an in depth survey of Sika on a neighboring block with similar over population problem and similar mountain beech forest & manuka, and the average whole carcass weight was 25Kg
I struggled with those figures, so started weighing each boned out Sika I carried out in my pack with my other gear, and was most pissed off to find my pack wasn't as heavy as by shoulders reckoned.
I think DOC's aerial search and destroy / Mountain beech recovery program in the Kaweka FP ran for 13 seasons from memory ( a season being from 01 Oct to 28 Feb each year )