agreed,this is not about "not spreading the virus or taking up vital health/rescue services" anymore it is clearly about gun owners!I just took a quick look at some recreational injury figures for 2019 -tramping 2468,mountain biking,2618,surfing 2238,horse riding 3810,hunting 392.
Personally I am not worried about the hunting. My freezer is full and I am only interested in trophy stags. I can look for them anytime.
I am just really angry at the hypocrisy. Really angry. I had a gut feeling this would happen way back before level 4. I just wish someone would put it too them as to why. I would have a bit more respect if they just came out and said coz we hate guns and the people that enjoy them. Not cower behind a pandemic and hide their obvious agenda.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Won't be hunting here I'm guessing as they won't open the gate to allow anyone over the back. It's one hell of a walk without a vehicle
I can climb thru my back fence and hunt, but why the FUC- should I have to sneak around like a criminal they are turning us into. Most other outdoor activities have been given the green light if personal distance can be kept. Why not us, because we are a thorn in their and UN side.
We will beat this '' : 8,573 died in the influenza epidemic and just after WW1 where Over 16,500 killed and 41,000 wounded .New Zealand only had a total population of 1,149,225 .. How hard did they have it to fight back from that ,, but they did for us ,, so come on give something back to our forefathers . And some people on here crying like wee babies because they might miss out on one roar , come on the deer will still be there .. You will miss out on a dam sight more if you catch this shit .
Depends on how selfless you want to be by tying up services and spreading or catching the virus that would have to help you if you got in the shit ,. It's not one size fits all ..
My eyes have been open for many years and know this shit is far from over , but being high risk I want to stay alive a bit longer yet .
So anything that is going to help that I'm for it .
No hunting..............That's fine I'm going pest controlling, can't allow these reds to be running rampant all throughout the Bush.
Cursed be the ground for our sake. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for us. For out of the ground we were taken, for the dust we are... and to the dust we shall return.
I go duck shooting....bought a duck shooting licence....not a duck hunting licence......19;00 every night from here on in we ALL need a minute of loud duck caller blowing practice....WHOS IN?????