Just hoping the landowners who have land bordering public water don’t shoot it up early and ruin it for the rest of us peasants who only have public land options.
That didn't take long.
Following David supporting us, the Show Pony's stable boy, Grant was reported on the 0900 Sunday Radio News as saying "they had made a mistake" about banning hunting and were going to look at it again............
David Seymour is on our side.
Alert Level 3 ban on 200,000 hunters illogical.
“The Government’s decision to ban an estimated 200,000 Kiwis from hunting at Alert Level 3 is illogical and I have written to Jacinda Ardern and Winston Peters to ask them to reconsider this issue”, says ACT Leader David Seymour."
A link https://tinyurl.com/ycojf4yz