Most of us are not wee cotton buds man. Cripes, these over the top bubbleheads even stopoed roadside vege stalls ffs! IMO "they" are in general, Not Fit For Purpose.
Most of us are not wee cotton buds man. Cripes, these over the top bubbleheads even stopoed roadside vege stalls ffs! IMO "they" are in general, Not Fit For Purpose.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Ha ha ha. Yeah I hear you and also like Rushy I firmly that when things are done we should be going back on to our land as per normal. I have no doubt that behind the scenes that this whole thing has been a cat herding festival. They have been learning as they go and no doubt there are many egos involved and people in charge of organisations who cant plan, lead or go in to action. Over the past year I have been thinking more about my civil rights than I have for the entire rest of my life. I am a strong believer in personal freedom where it does not harm others. I do however think that in this case there has been a need for a huge level of control to beat this, as people have demonstrated time and again that if we leave it to peoples good judgement that enough of them will push boundaries or just not! I think people need to stop whinging and remember that this is not forever. It is a month or two out of our lives. Big deal. Toughen up. To not beat this quickly will have far greater impacts on our personal finances, home lives and freedoms moving forward. Remember that. I will also tell you that once done, if people in power think they can unnecessarily add extra unneeded controls in our lives that I will join you all at the front of the protest line. Man I am hanging out to go for a hunt and hear the bird song again. Like we all are.