@Pointer Sounds like you could have used some tips from Bert Kreischer lol (below is a radio interview with Joe Rogan).
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@Pointer Sounds like you could have used some tips from Bert Kreischer lol (below is a radio interview with Joe Rogan).
Ha! Truth is we were young and dumb. Looking back on the events leading up to it, we were very lucky. We weren't far off being sent home in powdered form.
I noticed someone above suggesting explore the rougher parts, my advice is don't. You don't have to look for trouble in eastern Europe, it will find you if you hang around long enough. You're not in Kansas anymore Toto. The cops are a pack of crooks in their own right but getting arrested is the lesser of much greater evils. Life is cheap over there. About $800 US, exactly.
I think you might be referring to where I posted about not being able to check them out?
Nah, I think it was Savage1. That Krescher interview is classic!
My bad, when I say walk around the dodgy streets I mean get off the normal path and get out of the city centers. I certainly don't recommend walking around the dangerous areas of the towns.
No, my apolgogies for misinterpreting it. I didn't realise you meant dodgy as in questionable pavement dodgy.
No no, my bad! Dodgy was just a stupid word to use to describe getting off of the beaten trail.
My kind dodgy involved a train carriage full of Chinese hookers being transported from the peoples republic to Moscow and my mate and future best man taking a shining to the Russian pimps lady. It got ugly. Think 'vor zakony' looking for us ugly. The internet is a big place so ill say no more unless we share an ale one day :)
Thanks for all of the tips guys/ladies. On my way to Tallinn today. Then no idea.
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I'd offer advice on drinking spots but I got so pissed that all I remember is starting at an Irish bar by the old town square, partying up with a group of local girls and being dragged back to the hotel by one of my passengers.
Great place, the old town is awesome.
I know the very one! I walked past on the way back to the hotel. I tried the Russian restaurant Troika on the other side - left if you're facing the town hall from the Irish place. It was underground and myself and my Estonian hosts were the only non-Russians there. Felt like I'd walked into some Russian version of The Godfather. Live Russian folk music and ruddy faced jovial Russian mobster looking dudes clapping along. The food was delicious, as was the vodka which was served with alarming frequency by our non-smiling waitress.
I'm trying to get a local guide from Tinder. Shall see what happens. So far served me well.
Pretty sure I got used to tick the kiwi flag off some ladies list of countries the other week. No complaints tho. Haha.
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Probably somewhere new but NZ is still home.
Is that your "tour guide" to the right? ;)