Pretty much sums up my feelings, for me its not so much about "getting something" rather that I am out and about somewhere seeing stuff / places etc you don't see on the couch. I don't get that many animals but enough to keep me in meat of some sortFor me a successful hunt is one that gets me out of the desk/office I spend the vast majority of my year sitting at - getting an animal is a bonus. Treating hunting like this takes the "pressure" off and means I am about as likely to watch an animal for the enjoyment I get out of watching them as I am to shoot one.
My fishing has pretty much gone the same way. I like taking other people out and making sure they have a good time (sadly this year not been that often)
I do wonder like you @Gillie whether that since society is becoming more "city based" we are losing our outdoor abilities for example city based hunters may not be able to hunt often so the pressure is on to "get something" both from themselves and family / friends to justify being away from family & friends even if this is unspoken.
I am often asked by staff in our Auckland Branch "where their venison is (they are seriously asking too). I alway reply never got anything so they must think I'm a shit hunter after 16 years of "I got nothing"