Should be a good contender for the ABs.Mountain fit.
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GD loved using the Berger 180’s in the 7mm RM which won’t gel with the H&F sponsorship (Hornady, Rab, etc) so I guess that’s why he’s gone the 300 Win Mag route. Great show
I’ve been meaning to answer a couple of the questions, finally found time sitting on the ferry to do it!
Firstly, Mountaineering, as Dalts says, you generally don’t rope up unless you are in glacier travel mode on flat terrain, or if you are putting in anchors and pitching on steep terrain. Crossing that angled snow face with a bad solar aspect, we decided safety was in speed getting across before it warmed up any more with the risk of wet slide avalanches - and you don’t want to be roped together if that happens. So long as you trust the sure footedness and headspace of your crew - safety is in speed! We probably should have explained that at the time.
Rifles wise, we are sponsored by Tikka and Sako. This season on the Show we are using an Aspire 7mm Rem mag, a Strata 300 Win mag, and a 270 Tikka T3. The Aspire is a tack driver shooting 166gn Hornady A-Tips @ 3150fps with a can, but not so good with a brake. Whereas the Strata shoots with both a can and a brake, shooting the 225gn ELD-Ms @ 2975fps. As someone said, the fact Tikka/Sako have finally updated their 30 cal rfile twist from 11” to 10” was one of the reasons for experimenting with the 300. It could do with being a little faster again, 9” would be nice. We have been seriously lobbying them to speed up their 7mm Twist rate too, and supposedly it is coming!
The 18” barreled 270 shoots the 145gn ELD-X @ 2925fps, which is a neat load capable of reasonable ranges.
We generally use the Aspire 7mm with can, as it provides the best ballistics with minimal recoil and no need for hearing protection. Especially if we have new shooters, as trying to have everyone using hearing protection around a braked rifle when you’re coaching someone is impossible. On the Mt Hooker trip it was only me, Nigel and Emil – all experienced shooters who wouldn’t need coaching, so we took the lightest rifle system as it was a big trip, which was the Strata 300 with brake.
Of course then we ran into the Fultons who had flown into the Landsborough and walked up on to the Solution Range, and we definitely should have had the Aspire with the can, as we ended up coaching Eva into taking that great old bull. The extra time it takes to get hearing protection in and out, and being sure everyone including the cameraman is aware you’re gonna shoot, cameras are rolling, probably cost us a couple of earlier chances on that bull.
So that should answer the conspiracy theorists who think it was a jacked up meeting!
The other couple we ran into, Nina and James, are NZ’s leading transalpine trampers at the moment, and if you want to see more of their fantastic adventures check out Nina’s Smugmug page, We share route info with them a bit, and in fact the route we took from McCullaugh Creek to the SW ridge of Mt Hooker was one of theirs, so it was such a coincidence running into them on that very route! They were on a 10 day traverse of Mt Dechen when they met up with us. We almost never see anyone on our trips in the remote hills, so as everyone has said, it certainly was unusual to run into 2 parties in the Hooker/Landsborough Wilderness Area!
And Micky D, that little 270 shoots so reliably out to 400yds or so, and its our current bush gun as well as you would have seen in the Sika episode – so def love the 270, especially if stuck with using factory ammo!
Good stuff bud. If you were running reloads I would send you twenty of my 170 grn round nose.277 Speers for Fe to Smash stags with lol. Between them and the aluminium covered 130grn silver tips I reckon I have most bases covered as don't shoot past 350 at all and seldom past 200. Keep up the great work.
WRT shooting so as to frighten or offend, if a case arrives in court without a fixed definition then the test is "what would a reasonable person think". This is where it gets messy, as we are a minority here in NZ (I'm talking about hunters, not reasonable people), and over time the familiarity of Joe Average with firearms has diminished. I've not heard of anyone who was a hunter rather than a dickhead with a rifle ending up in court over this - has anybody any examples, and how did it play out?
That said, the NZ public lands (DOC estate/Crown land, call it what you want) have been hunted pretty much as long as they have existed as a legal concept, so it is not unreasonable to think there may be shooting there or thereabouts. In an area with a high concentration of animals it would be even more likely. I sometimes hunt around the Waihohonu on the round the mountain track (Ruapehu) which is a VERY heavily used great walk track, and have never had anything other than positive interactions with people I meet. I spent a couple of nights in the Oturere hut with a visiting American and we had all manner of people wanting to talk and understand what we were hunting, where, the rules around bla, bla bla, and all very positive.
That spartan guy drinking Tahr blood was a bit odd
Exactly. Not what I would have expected on a show-piece for hunters and hunting. Sits near to, but worse, than the biting the heart thing that people do.
Of all their excellent TV episodes (and Ive watched the lot) that was the first thing that has grated with me.
But anyway its still the best hunting program by far and produced by a great bunch of people.
Not the type of guy who would be high on my list if there was a spare depot on a trip.
I thought it was quite funny when Willy thought the dinky little tripod was for a spotter not a rifle. Almost a look of distain from Mr Sparten.
Be interesting to see if that pod features again or they go back to their other stuff.
I did like the look of the flexible bipod though.
No need to wait for the black sausage to be made. Just go straight to the source. I'm sure lots of other cultures would be horrified to see us leaving so much of value from a killed animal on the hill.
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Good to see you walking the walk and knocking over a few nannies @GregD. I hear a lot nowadays about numbers needing to be reduced but generally see little evidence of hunters making a serious attempt to do it.
just finished watching latest episode...yeah drinking the claret was a bit out there...but not offensively so... have seen much worse dont to live animals and its accepted as normal... animals were respected
tell you what that nanny Greg hit from behind looked spectacular,just after impact her front legs are seen splayed out in extreme,like a jersey heifer under a 8year old angus....
another great show,fantastic scenery.
shes on now....
last nights stick n string episode was good watch.
and stagstalker...the heart shouldnt be eaten raw...taken home or to nearest fire/cooker sliced and fried preferably in real butter then given salt and eaten while still hot,preferably on thick white bread with more real butter....or just on fork/stick/burning fingers lol straight out of is after all just another muscle,different texture to back steak but just as good.
Enjoyed the latest episode. Amazing patience and perseverance from the guys.
Attachment 246172
Plenty of protein in Venison heart
Another good episode - always are to be fair. Interesting game plans to get a red stag by bow. If it was me i’d be lining up a roar trip in the bush, west coast or fiordland maybe. Get in close with roaring stags and bring them in or sneak in on them? Surely higher odds and would make more exciting viewing i’d say too. That big open country sure looks fustrating to be bow hunting - i’ll be keeping my rifles for now lol.
Whoa, 75 yard shot at that stag!
I’m no archer but that’s a long shot with a bow!
Does anybody know where I can catch the first 8 seasons? I’d be willing to buy DVD’S if that’s the only way. Looked online but can’t see any copies for sale or any sites airing the old seasons.
Awesome show!!!
I've got a couple of the earlier seasons on dvd from when they used to sell them that way. I'd assume they remove older seasons to allow them to hunt the same or similar spots as say 5 seasons ago. Probably also helps keeps the numbers away from some of these spots. I know that in earlier seasons they had a bit of kickback with naming certain canterbury valleys. They do pretty well in keeping valley names out of it now, unless they are hoofing it a fair way.
Definitely a good show and in my opinion the best of them out there. If them only showing the past two seasons makes the whole operation smoother, then so be it I suppose.
Looking forward to the next episode
The people that rib them would never walk there anyway
In the early season, they did a few ruahine trips, and the uproar was almost hilarious
We passed through that loop maybe 6 months after they had, and there was definitely no increase in traffic from the hut book.
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Laughable indeed @BRADS
Nik Maxwell got the same treatment but you do need to get out of the huts after the chopper has dropped you off.
Latest BRB I watched it appears no one is flying into the huts like Ngawapurua that are a bit pricy now.
the fellas in flight suits sending Greg photos of the huge velvety stags heads from area they had left some to keep growing the year before was a right shit house thing to do all around.....for sure the meat hawks need t omake a living but fuckmesideways that was a low blow
Have found the same with the Arthurs Pass/Lewis pass valleys they hunt. Nothing has changed in regard to numbers of people. If anything there are a heap more deer around now than before
So I emailed Willie asking about the old seasons and got this response:
Thanks Jamie!
Good news – we’re going to start drip feeding them onto our YouTube channel very shortly so keep your eyes peeled for that.
Anyone else not enjoy the waterfowl episodes quite as much at the back country expeditions? It's good to show off the range of hunting in NZ and showcase incredible cooking but just doesn't hit the same compared to a Fiordland/South Westland tops mission. Guess they can't do 10x of those trips a year though
Yep i just skip the duck shooting ones as well, just find it a bit boring.
Im the waterfowling episodes.
great they can spread the interest around the shooting community AS A WHOLE.....
yup agree duck shooting give that a miss once you have seen one duck shot well enough said - be good to see them mix thngs up a bit more - what about some more North Island stuff rusa sambar or a Wanganui fallow hunt ???
A great show. The last one was great, good duck hunting action and awesome extended cooking section with one of NZs top wild game chefs. Excellent stuff.