loved the cooking section, nice to see somthing different from the usual
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loved the cooking section, nice to see somthing different from the usual
I think with duck shooting its fun to participate but boring to watch for me.
I think it's got to be easier for them to get good footage in the South Island and bucket list trophy species
Yes there is lots of good NI hunting and smaller herds of less well distributed trophy species.
Maybe the SI offerings are more saleable offshore also ?
I personally would like to see more NI hunting and diverse species
But mostly would like to see real hunting without long range Tupperware rifles
It's great they are showing a range of hunting styles. I enjoy watching Luke charge around after piggies. Don't tune in for the duck episode, just not that interesting for mine, but will be for others, and they need to cater for the wider hunting market.
I remember they did do a Kaimai episode, but didn't see stuff all for 4-5 days in there - good luck getting a trophy stag there with a limited time frame. I wonder if there is a bit of pressure to find representative animals, and that's pretty tough particularly around the time it might take for Sambar and Rusa (access an issue?). Love that they get into the Caples and target Fallow, that's pretty cool
yes agree rusa and sambar would be a challenge to make a show from but in saying that some of the sambar country up Turakina way is spot and stalk and is not overly hard to see sambar- trophys are rare though - the few trips I have done one sees mainly young stags and hinds - they are more common than one is lead to believe but access is damn hard - jealous of the fallow down south - they are moose compared to what we have - agree duck shooting from a maimai is not my cup of tea but the oppourtunitys I have had to get out on pheasants with a good dog now that is the sport of kings
I could be wrong but bloody sure they HAVE done a rusa to lookout point and sat and watched for 2 days type deal...real sit n snipe type set up.....awesome if thats your cuppa tea and it gets the targeted animal....
duckshooting is a LOT more than sit in maimai over decoys and gangbang birds that come in...pretty hard to showcase that though... the episode they did as tribute to Ziggy brought tear to my eye....and a lot of other folks who watched it said they too were reaching for tissue box. that and the episode where they did the old tech Vs new tech are two of the best ones ever...and to give credit where its due they have done at least two deer stalking episodes along similar lines...Willie shot yearlings with a sako 222 and fixed 4x on one and got yearling with SMLE and open sights on another....they tried for sika stag this time last year with SMLE too so they do at times mix it up,Fe really gets in the rough stuff up close n personal with sika..definately capable up close as well as out long.
Its a great show. They cant be "all things to all people" but do a far better job of trying to accomodate than some other shows.
I would like to see a pheasants over pointers segment but it would be execptionally difficult to do well without it coming across like watching paint dry in the winter!!
I just hope they keep doing it as its way better than all the other "reality tv" like MAFS crap
I dont recall a rusa one but the .222 vixen in the Ruahines pricked my ears - he had borrowed it from a mate of mine - I had sold same chap a vixen several years before as I had ended up with two - did not get a good look at it to see if it was my old one - would like to think so - but yeah good show certainly better watch than hunting Aotearoa
Would like to see a breakdown of the gunboat they use,those of us who use them are always looking for ways to improve their setups,great cooking of the game birds as well,so many people waste birds as they think the taste is not worth the effort and either just breast the bird or not even retrieve at all.
Personally the style of Red Stag Hunters Club resonates to me. Haven't watched a Duley show in ages, gone off it sorta. Red Stag and Hunting Aotearoa I can relate, close to the type of hunting I do.
The reality is I'll most probably never do a South Westland, Main divide or Fiordland etc hunt. Struth haven't even done a fly in hunt. Walked a few places though. As @7mmwsm said, if ya don't like it, do t watch it.
Guess I'm not bothered enough to watch it. No worries.
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What ever happened to the red stag show.
I see NZ Hunter have now ditched the Tatonka sponsorship, wonder what they'll go to?
Looks like we'll see at last what was really under the Tatonka rain covers :D
You can never please everyone with the content. Many north island hunters won’t be interested in the wildnerness expeditions too. End of the day it’s still better viewing than any of the other crap on TV. I always look forward to the waterfowl episode but I also love waterfowl hunting and understand the work that goes into it and the reward when it comes together. They did Rusa in some of the old seasons years ago, Greg shot a trophy Rusa stag on public land after a typical long Duley stakeout. I also think they have portrayed the full range of hunting styles on many occasions. Greg and Fi in the Manuka with sika stags, doesn’t get any more real then that. Willie with the old Sako .222 and the episodes with open sight 303s… by far my favourite show.
Another great season. I havent watched any of the latest red stag hunters club.
I've only seen the odd Red Stag Hunters Club. There is some stuff on YouTube. Must be somewhere to stream old episodes?
Was that it for the season? Or not on due to Easter programming? Went to watch Sunday’s episode on demand but nothing added. Last season was 10 episodes, this one 8 so far.
They had all the earlier seasons on Vimeo, small cost to watch them but from memory it wasn't too bad. I coughed up for all of the seasons they had available as soon as the first lock down was announced.
Struggle with it a bit these days. A lot of their hunts, gear, etc are so far out of financial reach it's just outright depressing to be honest. Duleys are a little that way as well sometimes when they're packing six thousand dollar Sako rifles and 10 grand worth of optics between them, feel a bit better about myself when the tikka with a Z3/Z5 comes along! I prefer the NZ Hunter show in general though for the "if you really want to, train a bit/a lot and walk anywhere" attitude.
From a post on FB:
'that's it for this season on television unfortunately, we're diverting some time and energy into our digital offerings, and will be releasing all our old seasons and other new content on our YouTube channel throughout the year, so keep your eyes peeled for that!'.
I'm very thankful we get such quality content like this for free. It's clearly a lot of work to create the content and turn it into a broadcastable format. At the end of the day they need to get the return out of that as it's a business after all. If terrestrial TV isn't providing what is required then hopefully diversification will ensure their ability to continue. I'm still amazed (and grateful) that the magazine has survived so far - as much as I like digital content it's great to leaf through a magazine as I often find the most engaging material is things I'm not necessarily doing myself. The algorithm led digital world tends to focus in on what it thinks you're most interested in, which often excludes the sort of variety you get in the analog world.
Is the season over?? Feels like it was a couple episodes short this year
You're totally correct - there were 8 episodes this season compared to 10 last year. They finished this season with the traditional duck shooting episode which included an extended cooking segment with a professional chef that specialises in wild game. Some great ideas in that segment to do more inspiring things with your waterfowl harvest!
I'm guessing with Greg having to rebuild his entire lifes work time simply wasn't there to make the extra episodes.
Guys, for perspective, Greg pretty much was on a digger straight after the floods, and with Fi - helped to rebuild the local community - right through 2023.... When I caught up with him late January this year, he was more ripped than a 20 year old going to Les Mills every day. He pretty much said he'd been working without stopping. Luke and the boys spent a month helping get their property liveable again. And despite all this, they still managed to produce the best hunting (and climbing) show in NZ in 2024. They are such awesome, genuine people, and trust me what you see, is what you get. How in the world they even managed to produce a show of such quality just blows me away.