Am I blind or is this missing ? I went back to look for that load data and cant find it ? Help?
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Am I blind or is this missing ? I went back to look for that load data and cant find it ? Help?
Seems the whole thread has been deleted. Only 2018 threads listed as being started on Greg's profile. Can admin shed any light on this?
They arnt a current advertiser, so cant currently advertise - which is what promoting the show was doing.
I’m sure if you need something, you’ll find a number of ways to contact them rather easily.
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Rather small minded but whatever
It’s small minded to not supply free advertising for a business?
One that already knows how it works here...
Heres something else from my small mind - i get rather fucking sick of you having a jab whenever you can. I assure you it will only happen once more.
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Greg Duley has been doing this for years, trying the get free advertising because he is Greg Duley. I was surprised to see him advertising here again. If it is free for Gregs business, why do all these other characters have to pay?
From memory it had about 10 grains more than would even fit in the case so im putting it down to either a typo or Greg wants you to blow your face off
Not wanting to cross swords with your crossed open ended spanners, Spanners … but what business was Greg advertising that could be charged for? From my recollection it was the TV show and yes he was advertising that, but how can the forum be missing revenue or be disadvantaged ??
It’s not about missed revenue or being disadvantaged, it’s about maintaining parity with those others that advertise here, and thus support us in return.
Greg is very aware of how the advertising model works here.
We don’t receive any free advertising in the magazine or on TV so I’m unsure where the confusion lays, in that the forum would be expected to provide it at no cost.
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Plus there is a back story. You could keep Greg Duley if you banned his rabid fans. They cause most of the problems. We all know Greg Duley is a brand. It has been said 1000X. If he wants to post here without paying, don't keep using the name Greg Duley. He is only GregD because Greg Duley is banned everywhere.
@Spanners, are there a number of threads on here that you classify as advertising which could be deleted if the original poster stops advertising elsewhere on the forum ? Perhaps they could be indicated somehow, like sponsored articles or full pagers in paper media ?
Conflicts of interest to declare: none. I hadn't looked at that thread as I just assumed it would be largely promotional .
Pretty sure it was the Berger 180 Hybrid @Nathan F with Rel 33.
Still shivering after last nights program.
Last night was great. Anyone new to winter hunter Sika (or any deer) should have got a lot of tips out of it.
Killing that last thread was a shame really because it had some very good info in it.
Ironically this thread promotes the show just the same. I had considered creating a thread last night saying watch TV Duke tonight 830 etc just for shits and giggles.
It's a tough one because it's more of an endorsement than advertising in my opinion.
Greg wasnt offering anything for sale or service by endorsing his own tv show. Yes I know he is payed by sponsors etc (advertising) and to keep that going you need viewers. And yes I know he does a bit of 'gunsmithing' etc.
Tough call, but I ain't the boss and freedom of speech is a beautiful thing.
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I think different...
Attachment 107199
The show itself is advertising, the whole logic behind posting about the show on here, is to get you linked to that advertising.
I'm personally over the show - This season has gone beyond ridiculous with the amount of in-show advertising. I meant to get my stopwatch out last night and see how much genuine action we got in our hour long show, I forgot, but I'd hazard a guess that it would be much less than 30 mins.
By the time they take out the actual ad breaks it's down to 40 odd minutes (which is fine, TV producers need to make it financially viable) but then there was at least another 10 minutes of content that serves no purpose other than to sell you sponsor's gear. Not to mention the two "tip of the trip" sections (one of which felt like a 10 minute lecture on looking after your boots). Don't get me wrong, I've got no issue with a shot or two of guys eating a dehy or setting up their tent or getting in to their sleeping bag provided they are actually adding value to the overall experience (it's all part of the adventure), but when it is so frequent that you feel like the whole show is one big ad it gets tiresome.
I like the show, some of the footage is fantastic and I love most of the messaging and the work they are doing to help non-hunters understand and appreciate what an amazing resource we have here in NZ. I will probably continue to watch it when I have nothing better to do, but I will continue to cringe at the pure volume of blatant advertising in-show. I feel like if they dialled it back by 20% I would have a much more enjoyable time watching it, and buy as much of their sponsor's products as I currently do (if not more).
How does it affect anything at all him giving us a heads up about the show so we don't miss it? be different if he was "don't miss out on tonights hunting and fishing products". Also good of him to take the time and answer questions too.
I herd if you go to junction hnf and order a carbon lite in 7rm plus z5 scope in optilocks they get greg to personally sign the stock and you get 2 free boxes of ammo
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Agree @Spanners - that first post is promoting his show/brand.