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  • 1 Post By Guypie

Thread: NZ Wildlife Act 1953 link

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    NZ Wildlife Act 1953 link

    So a while ago I was trying to figure out if it was ok to shoot rock pigeons without a game license etc. and I came across this, which has everything you need to know for such matters as far as I can tell.
    Anyway I had a lot of difficulty finding it again because I couldn't remember the name of the act. So I thought I might post it here for anyone else who may be interested and did not know about it, or trying to figure out what they can and cannot hunt.

    Wildlife Act 1953 No 31 (as at 13 March 2017), Public Act Contents – New Zealand Legislation

    Anyway fun little fact, apparently Axis deer/chital were introduced into NZ. But after damaging crops they were exterminated. They are on the Wildlife act 1953, despite being eradicated in the 1920s.
    Some on here can probably give a lot more detail on that topic but that's what I learned today.
    199p likes this.



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