Up here on the east coast the problem is there is so much forestry that has no public access and and some have got no hind policy.
a guy a know had hundred hinds coming out in to his locked up calving paddocks last year, i talked to another guy couple weeks a go they counted 80 hinds and two piece of shit stags in there back paddocks.
I know of a farm that sold in the last 12months, they shot over 300 deer of it with a chopper (anything that moved fallow and reds)
The raukumara's is not far away from getting 1080 its a big block with no real public access and helicopter access is costly. Getting done for possums and deer. Doc have already had guys on foot culling deer in there and goats.
Also goats are another animal out of control up here the only difference is they are worth money dead and alive so that gets more people interested.