yeah fair points there too mate,
here , illegal thermal an spotlight shooters are also taking more than a fair share of trophy deer in our 'back country' as alot of it has 4x4 tracks through it, over time it does take its toll.
the heli culls here were just shot an left.... so no gain just major expense from the govt, which if you read any number of books on NZs history its very clear that without a buyer its Stupid to heli cull deer... period.
an recreational shooters, or actual legit, harvesters for a meat trade, if conservationally were only allowed to target an weigh in Female deer, a boom an bust industry (no different to any of the other attempts) would do a huge impact on deer numbers particularly private land/fringeing forest land.... back country, well same as NZ AU needs someone to be studying more the effect or lack of it these deer have and what it is they impact etc, not just try and eradicate them all in 12 months worth of heli culling fire regrowth herds..
like its all backwards, but perhaps someone who reads these sorts of things is in a higher place to throw another idea into the mix toward that Sweeter happy medium outcome.