Disgusting ! Name and shame the chopper co so others can vote with their wallets in future.
Was it just me, or did that muppet get back in the machine with a loaded rifle ? He seemed totally incompetent
Disgusting ! Name and shame the chopper co so others can vote with their wallets in future.
Was it just me, or did that muppet get back in the machine with a loaded rifle ? He seemed totally incompetent
yes that is said.....the young fella does fire finisher and is pissed with himself for first shot not being right...good on him for that..... but yip a bunch of muppets again dressed to nines in full camo...presumably the sponsers product???
as to the eye fillets........... if thats all the meat they retrieved they should be hung drawn and quartered,its not like the stag was in rutted up condition or the carry out was long or hard (probably drove 4 wheeler to within stones throw) salami or mince galore left on hill to rot.....muppets.
Second shot is a clean miss go,s under the brisket , guessing that's why they stoped filming
Is it really that far removed from shooting trophy stags behind the wire?? Any real outdorsperson hunter is disgusted by both surely. .. it's like hitting countdown and cruising the trophy game animal isle next to the biscuits. ....
Does this go on in areas of public land or just on private?
Who was the Kiwi guide/company? Could anyone tell?
Pretty shit but cant go blaming either crowd. Blame the rule makers
I agree it isn't fair chase... As said you can't blame the guys making the most of the opportunity. At the start he does say it is the only place in he world you can do this. At least they realise this.
New Zealand game animals are vastly under managed, mainly due to the fact that they are introduced pestsI'm not that up to speed with politics and partitions but is there one around to sign saying that there needs to be a change?